There's A LOT of things to say about Vocaloid so I'll simply focus on the Pangya's part of it.
Little Index :
I - Vocaloid Introduce
II - The First Year Event
a/ Hatsune "Mikooh"
b/ Kagamine "Rin'Erika"
c/ Kagamine "K'Ren"
d/ New Gacha : The "Negi" Clubset
III - The Second Year
a/ Megurine "Lukarin"
b/ PangYa X Megurine Luka Event
c/ New Gacha : The Natural Tuna Clubset
d/ Cecilia Meiko
e/ "Kaitokaz"
f/ "Luciakine" Meiko
IV - Pangya BGM remixes
V - Notes about this faq
I - Vocaloid Introduce
( Wondering about what is Vocaloid after all ? )
Let's simply quote http://www.vocaloid.com/ :
"VOCALOID is a vocal-synthesizing software that enables song writers to generate authentic-sounding singing on their PCs by simply typing in the lyrics and music notes of their compositions. The software synthesizes the sound from "vocal libraries" of recordings of actual singers, retaining the vocal qualities of the original singing voices to reproduce realistic vocals. The software also features simple commands that enable users to add expressive effects - such as vibrato and pitch bends - to their synthesized vocals. Additional releases to the range of vocal libraries currently available will broaden the range of voices and singing styles that can be generated by VOCALOID. VOCALOID can generate singing in Japanese and English. It runs on Windows 2000/XP."
The part which interest us is that each voice is associated with a character with a fashion manga design (designer : Kei) driving all the otakus from Japan crazy.
At first, nobody really care. But one day, they released a new vocaloid called Hatsune Miku. Her voice is based on a human's voice one (Saki Fujita) making it more real and her design was very original. The phenomenon took a lot of significance and we started to see fanarts pop'ing out along with music videos made by the fans.
That's why Japan Pangya decided to do this event. Maybe in order to bring up both vocaloid's fan into the game and players to buy the brand new related items. Good job.
I - The First Year Event
( When we still didn't know there's more )
a/ Hatsune "Mikooh"

Of course, it was obvious that the event would be introduced with Hatsune Miku. They picked Kooh for her role and it makes sens since they have both two poney tails. Also, Kooh is very popular among the other characters of the game. If I remember well her name means "first sound".
Hatsune Miku is the first vocaloid with a voice based on a human voice sample (original seiyuu is Saki Fujita), allowing her to sing better than the previous vocaloid. The popularity of the software grow fast since her release. Her personal item is a leek since she became famous with a fan music video "Levan Polkka" (check youtube for that).
初音ミク4点セット (Hatsune Miku 4-piece Set)

Accuracy +1
Spin 0/+1
Curve 0/+1
(Note : change Kooh's hairstyle to Miku)
Accuracy 1/+1
(Note : exclusive slot, doesn't take the place of any other item of the game)
Power 1/+2
Control 2/+2
Power +1
Accuracy 1/+1

About Hatsune Miku...
Age : 16
Height : 158cm
Weight : 42kg
Favourite Genre : J-Pops, Dance-Pops
Favourite Tempo : 70-150BPM
Best Voice Range : A3-E5

b/ Kagamine "Rin'Erika"

Kagamine Rin got released in a brand new CD (or an extension one) along with her twin brother Ren. Because of that Erika and Ken took their roles since they look alike in terms of eyes and height. (Kagamine seems to mean "Sound like mirrors" obviously because they are twins btw)
Rin is based on a human voice sample too, the seiyuu who lent her voice to both Rin and Ren is Asami Shimoda but we don't really care since they don't have any clubset who give them voices like Miku and Luka.
鏡音リン衣装セット(with エリカ) / 鏡音リンact2衣装セット(with エリカ)
Kagamine Rin Set costume (+Act2 Second Year)
First Year / Second Year
Color of the dress can be changed through Kadye's chaudron starting the second year.

Accuracy +1
Spin 0/+1
Curve 0/+1
(Note : Change Erika's hairstyle to Rin)
Power 2/+1
Control 2/+2
(Note : Can be turned into CVS02-EOS-Rsuit-act2 through Kadye's chaudron starting second year.)
Power 1/+2
Control 2/+2
(Note : Can be turned into CVS02-EOS-Rsuit through Kadye's chaudron starting second year.)
Power +1
Curve +1

About Kagamine Rin...
Age : 14
Height : 152cm
Weight : 43kg
Favourite genre : Electro & Pop Rock / Pop Songs
Favourite Tempo : 85-175BPM
Best Voice Range : F3-C5

b/ Kagamine "K'ren"

I have nothing special to say about him since he share a lot of similities with his sister. Do you want to know that his personal item is a banana ? I think we don't care. But since I talk about it Rin's item is an orange.
I love oranges.
鏡音レン衣装セット(with ケン) / 鏡音レンact2衣装セット(with ケン)
Kagamine Ren Set costume (+Act2 Second Year)
First Year / Second Year
Color of the suit can be changed through Kadye's chaudron starting the second year.

Accuracy +1
Spin 0/+2
Curve 0/+1
(Note : Change Ken's hairstyle to Len)
Power 1/+2
Control 2/+2
(Note : Can be turned into CVS02-EOS-Rsuit-act2 through Kadye's chaudron starting second year.)
Power 1/+2
Control 2/+2
(Note : Can be turned into CVS02-EOS-Rsuit through Kadye's chaudron starting second year.)
Power +1
Accuracy +1

About Kagamine Len...
Age : 14
Height : 156cm
Weight : 47kg
Favourite genre : Dance & Pop Rock / Pop Songs
Favourite Tempo : 70-160BPM
Best Voice Range : D3-C5

d/ New Gacha : The "Negi" Clubset
ネギクラブセット ("Negi")

Power 7+5
Control 7+5
Accuracy 7+6
Curve 3+3
Spin 1+1
Clubset available for all the characters but give voices only to Kooh. More informations here.

I - The Second Year
( You thought it was over...? It wasn't. )
Then, because they released a new Vocaloid called Megurine Luka who made a huge impact among the Vocaloid fans for her design and the fact that she's the best when it comes to sing in english they decided to add her in Pangya.
That's why they launched PangYa X VOCALOID 2.
Also, a lot of players asked for the rerelease of the old vocaloids in the shop so they did, except the "Negi" Clubset sadly. Basically allowing you to buy 7 vocaloids in the same time !
Check it out below.
a/ Megurine "Lukarin"

And Arin is the one who have her role. Once again, it makes sense since they have both around the same age, huge boobs, stuff like that...
As I say, Megurine Luka is the first one really speaking english even if it is still not perfect. Her design as always made by Kei really seemed to be inspired of Tear from Tales of the Abyss (sorry for the hotlinking......I'll change that if I'm not too bored XD...)
Her name's kanjis means something like "the sound which travels". I think that's because she speak english...
Her item is a tuna. And you'll see it's important to know that...
Why ? Megurine > MGR > Maguro (thanks Hinano :p). And Maguro means tuna. Simple.
Luckily, I have this set so I'll show you more than the others Vocaloids.
Also, nobody care but I have to say that she's my personal favourite. Love her design and her sexyness.
巡音ルカセット(with アリン) (Megurine Luka Set)

Accuracy +1
Spin 0/+1
Curve 0/+1
(Note : Change Arin's hairstyle to Luka)
Power 1/+2
Control 2/+2
Control +1
Accuracy 0/+1

About Megurine Luka...
Age : 20
Height : 162cm
Weight : 45kg
Favourite genre : Latin-Jazz-Pop エスノ / House Dance "electronica"
Favourite Tempo : 65-145BPM
Best Voice Range : D3-D5

b/ PangYa X Megurine Luka Event
This sub-event take place during the whole PangYa X VOCALOID Event, as a side bonus.
It allows you to get Tako Luka hats for every characters of the game. Uh wait ? Tako Luka ? What is this ? In fact it's simply Luka turned into an octopus (たこ means octopus). In Pangya it's an item which take the "hat" slot and makes your character looking ... strange. Or stupid. As you want.
たこルカ (Tako Ruka)

Spin 1/+1
Accuracy 0/+1
(Note : the stats provided are the same for all the characters)
The concept of the event is simple : check the screenshot below to understand better (that's mine).

For 50TP you can get one Tako Luka hat.
To get 1TP you have to play 10 minutes.
Which means you have to play 8 hours and a half. To get one Tako Luka hat.
Which also means you would have to play 75 hours to get all the Tako Luka hats. Fortunatly, you start the event with 50TP allowing you to get a Tako Luka for your favorite character from the beginning and reduce the number of hours to get them all to 66 hours and a half within a month.
Let's simply say that the more you play the more Tako Luka hats you can get. Sadly, this screenshots date from the day before the event close meaning I miss two tako lukas. Here the screenshots of those I have (click to full view ofc).

(As you can see, Cecilia and Daisuke are missing)
If you don't want to play like a nolife to get all the tako luka they are also available through the shop for 29CP but who care since you can get some for free ?
c/ New Gacha : The "Negi" Clubset
天然マグロクラブセット ("Natural Tuna")

Power 10+4
Control 6+6
Accuracy 3+5
Curve 1+2
Spin 3+3
Demo with Arin

天然マグロクラブセット ("Farming Tuna")

Power 8+4
Control 5+6
Accuracy 2+4
Curve 1+2
Spin 2+2

Clubset available for all the characters but give voices only to Arin. More informations here.
d/ Cecilia Meiko

Honestly, when they released her I started to think "isn't it pushed a little bit too far ?". But...who can really complain ? The parents of the whole Vocaloid family, Meiko and Kaito join Pangya too.
Isn't that sweet ? They don't want to let their kids alone.
Yup. They are both considered by the fans as the parents of the "grand vocaloid family" because they are the really first Vocaloids created way before Miku. Meaning their voices are 100% synthetic and they sound more like robot, however, because of that, their voices are more flexible.
Who is the oldest woman of the game take Meiko's role. That's, once again, logical. I also think Cecilia has the role of the older sister in Pangya, or something like that. I think it really fit her.
MEIKO衣装セット(with セシリア) (MEIKO Costume Set)

Accuracy +1
Spin 0/+1
Curve 0/+1
(Note : change Cecilia's hairstyle to Meiko)
Power 1/+2
Control 1/+3
Control +1
Accuracy +1

e/ "Kaitokaz"

Guuh...?! Why Kaz ? Max should take the role, he doesn't have any special costume and it would be good for his lack of popularity. Well, Kaz is very popular and more girlish than Max but I don't think Kaito is THAT girlish... Geez, huge disapointment.
Anyway, as I previously say, Kaz is considered as the father of the whole Vocaloid family for the same reason than Meiko. His voice his 100% artificial. He's veryyyyyy popular among the female fans for his bishie side. Personal note : his item is an ice cream, and it makes me laugh because as a bishie I totally see him eating an ice cream with conviction like "mmmmmmmh...this ice cream is...uh...so good..." and all the fangirls around driving crazy.
Anyway I like him too but for his vocals. I offten think that he doesn't sing that bad and I appreciate a man voice time to time.
KAITO衣装セット(withカズ) (Kaito Costume Set)

Accuracy +1
Spin 0/+1
Curve 0/+1
(Note : change Kaz's hairstyle to Kaito)
Power 1/+2
Control 1/+3
Control +1
Accuracy 0/+1

f/ "Luciakine" Meiko

Honestly, that's not a thatbad idea. People told me that she wasn't an official Vocaloid but apparently Crypton Future Media recognized this fan creation as part of the official Vocaloid "team". So, in fact, she's official.
Basically, it's just Meiko in a younger and idol version. She's even playable in Hatsune Miku Project Diva on PSP so yes, she's in fact official. An "idol version" ? Can it fit Lucia more than that ? I don't think so. The hairstyle make the whole set very interesting for all Lucia's fan even If personally didn't like it.
咲音メイコ衣装セット(withルーシア) (Sakine Meiko Costume Set)

Accuracy +1
Spin 0/+1
Curve 0/+1
(Note : change Lucia's hairstyle to Sakine Meiko)
Spin +1
Accuracy 0/+1
Power 1/+2
Control 1/+3
Accuracy +1
Spin +1

IV - Pangya BGM remixes
They also made some BGM remix from the game of PangYa itself. The work is pretty good most, of the time. You were able to hear them on the main screen during both first year and second year events. Basically, each time they put a new vocaloid, they also put a remix where the vocaloid itself sing.
Download them all at one below :

~PangYa X Vocaloid BGM Remix~
• A Shiny Day (Remix) - Hatsune Miku
• Bunny Picnic (Remix) - Hatsune Miku
• Revive (Remix, Original by ESTi) - Kagamine Rin (chorus by Kagamine Len)
• Crystal Lake (Remix) - Kagamine Len
• Nowhere (Remix) - Megurine Luka
• Snowscape (Remix) - (Sakine) MEIKO & KAITO
Personal (and intersting) note : For Snowscap, they used a robotic sound sample which is the same used in Zero Fill Love and Super Music Maker. Fun isn't it ? Some kind of "3,2,1". (thanks to Tomato for that btw)
Password : bsbz.
V - Notes about this faq
( Things you should know about this faq )
This is exclusive work made by Mainlless (also knows as "mouny" on Pangya EU and "(e35)" on Pangya US) for Beam Sabre Beat ZERO, eventually Pangya-FR.com too and all Pangya's fans in general. Honestly, I don't think it can be really more comprehensive than that.
I don't think it will, but I want to say it before something bad actually happen. I have no problem if you put this work somewhere else as long as you credit me. I have nothing planned if someone steal my work but be sure I'll do something if it happens.
I worked very hard on this faq and I'll be sad if I see any piece of my work badly stolen somewhere else...I do not think it will happen once again but who knows...
Also, I have to say that some stuff don't come from nowhere, of course I searched on the net to find it. If some belongs to you please tell me and I'll credit you. Normally, it was free-to-use but I can't be 100% sure.
Credits :
However, this faq is based on Japan Pangya. The content mentioned here may never come, on Pangya USA, Pangya EU, Pangya TH... and is different from Korea.
good points and the details are more precise than elsewhere, thanks.
- Murk
i'd like it if someone posted an upload link for those events since theyre old now. but so far good job.
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