Ah ah...I must admit that it's kinda disturbing. All that pink whuuuuuuush ? That's maybe too much AH AH AH.
But that's why I put a homemade black and grey background to balance the whole pink Lucia thing in the middle.
Anyway, with the summer, every blog and websites change their design or their banners.
I already did two summer banners.
The one for my Super Smash Bros Brawl Team : here.
The one for sfrou's House : here.
Now it's my own blog's turn. I'm not disapointed with what I made even if it put a strange image to my blog now LOL. I wanted to use the high quality artwork of Lucia's idol set that its artist released recently so I did it...hum ? Yep. Added a little something to it.
In any case, did this banner remind you something ? I hope.
It's inspired by SNSD's new album cover. Check that here.
That's why I added Yoona's hat to Lucia, I think we don't notice that it's something added and I'm proud of that (even if something is strange in Lucia's hair but it's hardly noticeable).
The plane is based on a video game's artwork...I can't remember which one geez...It's an EA game though.
The sentence in french "Si je peux l'exaucer..." means simply "If I can fulfill it...". I put that in order to remind the SNSD's song Tell Me Your Wish. Yup, that's the main concept of this banner and that fit my blog since I offten talk about both Pangya and SNSD.
Lucia X SNSD hum...Since Lucia is an idol it's not a problem right ? Ah, ah.
I'd like to find the plane I used, it should be possible through the historic but it could take a while.
I hope this banner please you, I know it's a little special...
OH I almost forgot. I'm in the finalists of the recent Goa's contest. Along with 4 others french including 3 I know...quite well. I suppose I can't mention them though...
It's the same thing for my submission but I think it will be okay once you'll be able to vote. So please give me some support~ I think I did well, I spend a very long time editing the whole thing but I'm affraid it's not original enough. We'll see~ I must say I really like the first prize...the second is fine too. ...What ? It's not like if people are not interested in the prize. Of course I love photoshop but a very limited item is very attractive too.
Woups, I think I'm no longer in the main subject. Please keep in mind that Pangya X Vocaloid Event is almost over, that's all folks SEE YA~
EDIT : Found the plane :3 !! [Link]
Très chouette ^^ ca représente bien ton univers.
Ton "si je peux l'exaucer" donne envie de faire son voeux secret en espérant qu'il se réalise :D
L'espèce de kaleidoscope de Lucia ca représente à mon avis +/- ce que ca donne qd tu rêve d'elle XD
Avec ton travail toujours super propre ^^ les bons effets là où il faut, toujours ta patte personnelle, j'espère un jour pouvoir faire de la manipulation d'images aussi bien que toi :p y'a encore du boulot.
Et pour le concours Goa ben GG même si j'm'y attendais j't'av mis dans les 3 concurrents les plus dangereux XD ---> good luck pour les votes ^^
I like the new banner^^
Cool colors and really well done.
Can I give you some advice?
Perhaps it would be better if you rotate the hat. >_<
But I really like it now ^^
Btw, good luck in the contest.
I'm in the finalists too >_< Goa send me the mail today O_O at 10:45 lol
You are better than me in photoshop skills so... XD
Oh, and now I'm obsessed with SNSD... thanks xD
@Zangy : C'est cool si tu l'aimes bien ^^ pour la phrase en fait c'est bcp plus stupide que ce tu as mentionné puisque j'ai simplement pensé à "Dit moi ton vœu si je peux l'exaucer" ce qui est très terre à terre ah ah XD
Pour les finalistes franchement du côté des français c'est pas DU TOUT les noms que j'attendais. On dirait que le sniper du Photoshop auquel je pensais n'a pas participé, donnant des résultats...surprenant o_O Je ne sais pas du tout ce que je dois penser XD On verra, ça me stress toussa XD
@Saku : Your advice is ok. I just can't do it since the top of the hat doesn't exist lol. Yoona's photoshoot doesn't provide the top ^^
I'm glad you like it though.
Wow ! So you're in the finalists too ! Awesome~ I wish you good luck since I feel like the battle will be tough. And don't worry about me, I don't think what I did is very original as I said so I except my photoshop skills it will be hard for me to win. I did my best but ._. won't be enough.
So Nyu Shi Dae Fighting~ !
I found another live yesterday =p
My first comment in ur blog
but i always look ur posts xD
i really loved this new banner
when i saw on the first time i already realized that was because SNSD album cover
and like u said i think lucia is perfect for this
and good luck on GOA Contest =D
Oh that's sweet thank you so much~ Woohoo SNSD fan ? Or you just know them a little ? SNSD fighting anyway~ :33 !
Thank you for wishing me good luck. But if I have your vote it's even better ah ah ah !
Anyone ever tell you you remind them of the count? With your "ah ah ah" hahaha. It's cute :]
im not a huge fan
i dont know everything about them
but i always look for new singles/albuns xD
i like kr songs
ey mouny, just for curious..
if you win the event, what item do you want? :D
@Sherry : Oh yeah. SNSD's add. HAHAHAHA - AH AH AH ~(note)
I'll try to stop like that all the time.
@Kyu : Yeah Korea make great stuff when it comes to music, love japan for that too but more Korea since recently.
@Saku : I don't know. I'm not the winner yet (and probably won't be at all) so I don't to think about it yet. Probably aN un-released item for Arin.
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