Thursday, November 11, 2010

Arin's Birthday Party / Elfen Ears Giveway!!

You read that right !


I bought 8 Arin's Gift Boxes on Pangya USA and here are my results :

I usually buy 9 of those boxes when I why did I open only 8...? I wonder...
(song is SNSD - Hoot)

Anyway, guess what ? I already have Arin's Elfen Ears so what about I...give those away ?!
"ewww...I don't want a stupid contest..."
Well I agree, this can be boring. Actually this is more like some promotion for my blog so here's the deal :

Elfen Ears Giveaway Rules 

How to enter ?
Just leave a comment here with :
A screenshot of you IG profile to prove that your at least Junior. DO NOT HIDE YOUR IGN. (this is just meant to avoid cheating sorry). All the comments count but you can only enter one time (or twice if you have multiple accounts above Junior I guess...?)

Prizes :

Elfen Ears (Arin)

And if I receive more than let's say... 30 entries (so that I can expect you people to promote this contest a little), the winner will also win ...  ...

SSAF (Cecilia) *if more than 30 entries*

Additionnal notes :

- I don't care if you already own those items or even if you plan to sell them right after you get them from here. Winning is winning.
- If you cheat, I'll make sure everyone know what you did :)
- I have a way to prove that this is really RANDOM, don't worry, you don't need to be a a friend of mine to win. I'll make a youtube video to prove that I really picked the winner randomly.
- I don't think I need to mention it, but this is a contest for Pangya USA.
- The winner will be announced 112510. *subject to change*

I guess that's about it, good luck ! :)


chrisfian said...

i suppose im first.
im reading your blog from time to time tbh
and im glad you'r back.
anyway this is the link to my info screenshot

good job at the blog,keep it up =]

NeoSaber said...

Getting the rare in 1st and in last box, lol... wait I guess on 2nd box not on 1st...XD
Woot freebies! Here's my info:

Nice blog you got! XD

Alex Leet said...

SOS Brigade member entering!

Anyway, Nice Little blog you have there and Nice Way of promoting it :P,

Chances to win here are probably bigger than in gacha or papel so...For the win :p



Saphyre said...

I guess I'll try my luck on this.
Maybe after getting 0/15 in lolboxes I might get some luck here ;D.

Anywho, Entry:

There's my screenshot.

Unknown said...

I wasn't aware of your blog before this so I guess the promotion worked :D

ReVeNGe said...

Even though I am not a big fan of blogs I do think yours looks nice.

Very nice of you to give away a free set of ears :O

In your rules says "If you cheat.." but i dont see how you could cheat xD

Well anyways i suppose I'll enter after all who can resist a chance at free Elfens :) I do already have it but i guess i'll use it as a prize for a event for my guild if i'd win it.

Linky link:

Good luck with your blog :)



cornpop said...

Well since you said it's completely random I'm not gonna sugar coat my post with useless jibber jabber. Here's my entry.

jellsio said...

Er wow, this is super generous of you. But I Guess the promotion works since now I'm aware of your blog. xD

My entry:

Hope the random luck god is on my side. lol.


Anonymous said...

This blog of yours seem interesting.
I'll try my luck with my entry here

ign = Mustapusta btw.

Xandrielle said...


Really nice of you to arrange this giveaway! :) I'm really poor at the moment, I can't even try my luck with lolboxes now and Arin's Elfens are the item I most want in this game. >.<
And I wasn't aware there was such a blog, I'll bookmark your site. :D

Anyway, here's my info!

blaME said...

spice to meat chew.
here's my entry.

and will continue reading your blog's other posts.

Yukimaru said...

I've gotta say, this is incredibly generous of you.

IGN: Yukimaru

Bluntasaur said...

Hey there. Thanks for the giveaway. I woulda posted first, but I kinda got distracted.

Anywho, here we go.

IGN: Bluntasaur

Kim Chun said...

I'm not Arin user but~~ who can resist contest ^^

Lv :Junior D

Anonymous said...

Hi Mainlless. I've read your post on pangya forum and was followed here.

I must say that was very kind and generous of you for giving away something expensive like that. Thanks for your kind. And I'd like to try my luck here of course :

Still, I think maybe there're some better way to promote your blog.
For eg, you can sell or trade your A ears instead to get a bunch of small rares so that you can make many giveaway events, each one have 1 rare or more (of course post it in your blog). This might be temporary but more or less, your blog will get more viewer than before :). And dont forget to update your blog when you can (btw your info about other pangya server is very useful for me) ... well it's just my oppinion so :D



aegisknight said...

well you sure are lucky. I've been playing since season 2, and I haven't even come close to ears!


Anonymous said...

Hey this is my entry. I really hope I get these XD



Uploaded with [URL=][/URL]

Anonymous said...

Hello ! Mainless i have read your post in the community pangya and seen your video and i'm here to post my screen and willing to win these items :)

Prii said...

You have a very nice blog, I'll keep checking it for information about Pangya JP, since I can't read Japanese.
And here is my entry:

Kelovar said...

Well, I normally comment directly on Twitter. However, since Arin is my main and I failed to get her ears, I have nothing to lose trying out for this :P (yay for pic with silly hat xD )

Anonymous said...

I'll join this along with my cousins, so there are 3 pics and pics of their stats, just in case.

Since none of them know how to use the photobucket they made me post all of their pics in mine O_o

I really want to win this one or at least try my luck :)

Neru said...

I can't resist a giveaway.

Kagero said...

Hi! its very nice of u for making this contest. Here is my entry

IGN: Kagerotenshi

thanks and wish u all the best! =)

PidgeonPoop(e64) said...

ooh... you're soo lucky!
i don't have arin elfen... just have hana one XD
but i'd probably give it for a guild event i'm planning :3

here's my entry

Auma(e5) said...

there goes mine XD
my girlfriend already posted hers... if i win i'll give it to her >:)

Ratochu said...

Hey there here's my entry

I hope I'm the lucky one (:D)

Anonymous said...

Hello :) nice blog
Imma try this on keep up nice work!
Have fun and goodluck guys!

Anonymous said...

Wow! nice blog!
thanks for helping our pangya community :))
here my entry by the way

nhwoop78 said...

Nice event
ign- nhwoop78

Pita said...

I'll give it a shot. I do have to say though it is very generous cause a lot of players would be stingy or just keep them to themselves. Good Luck to everyone else.

Here's my info. I'll book mark you cause I also have an account here but its for my 7767 multi-lingual guide that I manage.

GL to everyone again! See y'all in game.

Pseudo said...

Oh-kaaay,here goes nothing =p

*crosses all my fingers*

IGN : Pseudo

Now,lesse what you got here...

Anonymous said...

Sorry!! I feel like I'm late. xD I would've commented earlier, but yesterday was my last day of yr 11, and I needed to get work done.

Here's my profile:

This is really awesome of you to give it away by the way. :3

Anonymous said...

wow very nice event

my IGN : Versailles
lv junior C

here the screenshot ^^

Winshley said...

I already left this message to Twitter, but I would just to remind you here as well: Your post has been moved to the Pangya General Discussion section as player events are always posted there anyway.

>My entry< IGN: Winshley

Aedai said...

Hi there :)
It's nice to see that there are people which would give things away for free.. You don't see that happen alot.
I use your blog partially.Don't stop posting :D I see you've been doing the blog in 2009, hopefully this giveaway will give you all the promotion you need.

I've never had elfen ears before other than Lucia and I've been questioning myself if I should sell all my stuff for them.Though I'd be left with nothing then =/

here's my screenshot~
take care =]

MocLinh said...

Yeah yeah , let me have a try ^_^ .
IGN: (e28)MocLinh
My main char is Kooh, but Arin is also a good one to ..errr.. use :D
here my info:

Anonymous said...

I'll try my luck on this. *Fingers crossed*

Mao said...

Thanks in Advance, no matter what is the result, lol


here is my entry:

Kizuna said...

I was wondering where i am supposed to post, i really don't use blogs :D here's the link:

Thanks :))
bookmarked ur page ;D

Pepper said...

hello there.. thanks for the event.. here is my photo..

ign: (star)Pepper(star)

goodluck! :D :D

Fresca said...

Guess it wouldn't hurt to try...
Thanks for running this event by the way~

Mitch said...

Thanks for the wonderful event!
Here's my entry
IGN: Mitch(e21)

LilMikan said...

oohh.. I shall join as well! :D

Good Luck to the people who are joining :D
Be a good sport! Seriously... x3

Mainlless said...

I'm thinking about changing the rules. Please vote on the side bar ;)

hushshi said...

Hello! I love lucky dips! Here's my entry!

Thanks and good luck to everyone!

DarkChiyuki said...

You're too nice ^^ This is pretty cool event for your blog. I've been here a couple of times and I hope you get more viewers :) Good luck to everyone~

mewletter said...

I like joining such contests!

Hope I could win something.

Monica said...

Trying my luck here! And thanks for the event!!

ign: Rhodo

Dyule-chan said...

nice contest!i want ears~ X'P

here's my photo

Shippostus said...

this is a rare instance indeed of such an awesome giveaway prize.
i dont have a personal account of google or twitter to check blogs but i check em ocasionally to find out sutff.
thanks for keeping up the information!.

hope im the lucky one even tough i haven thad any luck ever!

pic of ign

Walg said...

hi there!
tyring my luck here, and this is an awesome blog you got!, the lucia picture makes me love this blog even more! wahaha~

well, here's my In-Game Picture
my fat boogie bob! XD

BokChoy said...

thanks for this event :D

IGN: (e9)BokChoy(<)

Unagi said...

I'm always on the lookout for new views on the game, so, thanks for the link and the promo!

Image link for the contest:

Catch you later!

Kuromai said...

Oh I'd like to enter too ^^
IGN : Aiois (with a caps i)

thank you for making this little event ^^

Anonymous said...

That was very nice from you. Here's my entry :

And good luck with your blog.

Anonymous said...

OMG very nice event I luv u !!!

Here's my entry :

Thanks very much.

Anonymous said...

Hello, thanks for making this event, Im checking this blog from now on for sure.
IGN: (e38)Gino

CrazyCanuck said...

Nice blog! Hope I get lucky!

IGN: (e13)CrazyCanuck

Kristoffe! said...

Wow. Your blog is very organized. I've been searching for blogs like yours since sweatdrop stopped blogging about pangya. Nice event and would be very happy to join. :)

IGN : kriad019

0 = zero

rubyflash said...

Hi. This is my entry.

Albatross said...

Hey, Mainlless! :-)

Here's my entry to this fantastic contest. I hope my comment follows the rules.

This is the screenshot of my in-game profile, including my level and IGN:

In my opinion, it is a very nice gesture by you, to give these items away. You said, you don't care if somebody already owns those items or even if someone plans to sell them right after he/she gets them from this contest. "Winning is winnng." You're right, winning is winning. However, I think items somebody gets as gift shall not be sold for something. I wouldn't sell the Elfen Ears, or the SSAF Set in case I should randomly win this contest because gifts are gifts and gifts are heartfelt. That's the way I think about it. By the way, I have none of these items.
Though, I usually don't win anything in any lottery games, I'll try my luck here. Maybe it is worth a try. The only item I won so far was a Fox Mask (C) right after the Papel Shop update, yay! [hat] (and I still have this item. :-P)

From now on, I'm going to check your great blog from time to time.

Best regards,
Albatross[ e31 ]

Jenn said...

how nice of you to make this event ^^
Here is my entry:

IGN: (e64)Hexane(e64)

Lummp said...

Well lets try some random luck! hehehe
Nice blog! I just bookmarked it(up)
here is my screen:

and my IGN is (e30)Lummp

Good Luck ALL!

Revolverheld said...

Hi, Mainlless!

I found your thread in the Pangya forums. You've got an awesome promotion and a wonderful blog. Thanks for having this event, you are probably too kind. :o)
Good luck all people, may the force be with Mainlless and the winner.

I guess, it might be worth a try, so that's my entry with my profile page:

My IGN is Revolverheld with no smiley.

Friendly wishes! :o)

Anonymous said...

IGN: (e36)Gumi(e36)

Thank You for having this event.

(sorry if I double posted kinda confused)

Unknown said...

Heres mine, hope I win! :3

IGN: (e40)Shinku(e40)

Unknown said...

Oops forgot to add the link *spaced out* here it is:

Koyfish said...

Nice contest! I love it. Cheering to win Cecilia's SSAF <3
PS: SNSD rocks! SNSD fighting(!)

Here's my entry:

Unknown said...

Here's my entry

Great contest and blog, keep the good work!

kairxa said...

*crossing fingers*

Hoping to win your event :D It's more fun than opening lolboxes T__T

Here's mine:

Thx anyway!!

Yukuni said...

nice way to promote out there comrade . . . it work very much . . .

here is my entry,
IGN : Yukuni

I hope you will be messiah who control the world with your blog successfully (gah, higashi no eden mode =_____=)

Mayday4life said...

Well although my luck is real bad but its worth a try!

Heres my entry!

IGN: Mayday4life

and good luck with your blog :)

Lunaraine said...

Love the content on your blog, tho its the first time im visiting..

Thought of joining the contest~ Well here is my entry... cant resist XD

IGN: Lunaraine(e64)

Thanks for the generosity and doing this.. its really cool!

Anonymous said...

hi , i just got hacked by someone else , lose my Elfen ears arin i hope you pitty me , this is real GM_killigrew told me in 1:1 support . on date 14 november at around 12 pm night* indonesian hour* kiligrew said i sold my ears , but i was asleep at that time . so then i was realized i got hacked :( . i never know someone knew my PW because its really hard to type . guess the engine for hacking now advancing :( .! thanks for your appreciation .

IGN : Latte(e45)

Anonymous said...

Nice event, good luck to everyone participating!

Here's mine:

Anonymous said...

Hello, nice blog u have here

Bell said...

Might as well. ^^;

IGN: Funabi

ComaBull said...

Meep meep!

IGN: Coma(e37)Bull
Rank: Pro A

Anonymous said...

Wonderful contest! ^^ I'll try.

IGN: MsKitty
Rank: Senior C

Good Luck on your blog!

Slothrop said...

Looks like the advertising has worked well.

IGN: Slothrop

Anemonics said...

Oh wow. Cute blog you have here~ Nicely done! Anyways. Here y'go! ↓

Anonymous said...

Omgawd free ears and ssaf o:



Anonymous said...

Hello there - I guess satori can join too ^^

IGN: satori

and2one said...

Hi there. Here's my screenshot.
Doubt I'll get lucky though. Lottery was never my strong point. Doubt it will ever be......

Unknown said...

I hope I can still enter.

IGN: Plus

ZachAttack said...

IGN: ZachAttack :D I felt like entering, gl with the blog. Hope I win :]

Also, might be able to help you with a truly randomized drawing. Maybe just assign each person a number and then set the minimum to 1 and maximum to highest number, then press go? lol

Shirayuki said...

Nice Contest :3~
would prefer a kooh ears~ but hey!~ it's Arin celebration week anyway X3...

My Info~

IGN : Kizz(e64)

Shevene said...

I wasn't planning to enter, but well, it's a nice event, and wont cost alot of time. (Btw, this is a very nice thing that you're doing :) )

Well, here is my info page:

IGN: Shevene

Good luck to everyone.

Anonymous said...

Wow, like everyone else said, what a nice thing to do! Anyways, I hope I can still enter!

IGN: (e40)Hinote

KonataZero said...

Hey this is a pretty nice looking blog, and cool contest. I guess I'll give it a shot too:

IGN: KonataZero annnnnd here's the proof~

Unknown said...

my IGN is : Cinnamoroll(e38)
i read about your event and decided to join. hopefully i win~ >.<

here's my pic:

but're so generous by doing this....

Unknown said...

i'm trying my luck by entry this >.<
i reallyyy want that elfen because i'm too poor too buy one (the elfen and the box)
hope i can win this..
here's my proof:

my IGN: Cinnamoroll(e38)

you're so generous by doing this event...

*sorry about the earlier post, it got the wrong link >.<

BzDLucia said...

Nice blog.. More updates for PangYa.


Good Luck for your blog.

Anonymous said...

here's mine... happy end-year holidays


abutre18 said...

Yep, if I win anything, i'll probably sell it to get the rest of my clothes...

BaoBao said...

:) i wanna join

IGN: (e9)BaoBao


Diego Rizzo said...

Very nice blog! And congratz to ur winnings on Arin's Box!

Here's my entry:

(I hope I win, so I can gift this to my girlfriend!)
