~ Let's go to look for the treasure of the life ~
Second anime review. The previous one was bad since I didn't really like the way I organized that. Another try for me with something more simple.

Synopsis :Okazaki Tomoya is a student who is considered as a deliquant since he never work and don't do anything after school. He hates his city and his life, has a father who drink every day and a dead mother.
He has for single friend, someone called Sunohara Youhei who don't do really better than him.
But one day, at a back to school he meets someone on the path. The girl is called Furukawa Nagisa, she is shy and clumsy but Tomoya make friend whith her and will try to help her for doing her best. This dating will change their life for both of them.
He will also meet other girls, each of them has a strong personality. His bored days seems to be over.

Critique :Clannad is simply gorgeous. I think the synopsis seems to be very simple or maybe even boring but Clannad has a huge charisma and a lot of poetry inside. Well, since it's a Key's anime he will have a "harem-type group" and also very detailed characters with a nice background story.
I think that it's the characters who make this anime so wonderfull.
I mean Nagisa will change little by little as long as she is with Tomoya and slower than her he will change too. And you simply watch this slice-of-life with a compassionate eye. Of course if the story is centered around Nagisa and Tomoya each girls that I talked about earlier will have some episodes centered about them.
The first season could be called "fun and sad". Because you laugh a lot but some scenes could even make you cry (that's my case), the second season called
After Story is again more sad...and very hard. The fun part is totally blowing away to show the hardness of the life and its good moments too. This evolution is a long process, you see the full evolution of Tomoya from College to adult's life.
I don't know if you will cry with this anime. But if you don't, I think you don't cry in front of animes very offten. It's just so beautiful.

Long story short :Clannad is a
chef-d'œuvre (don't know a better word in english). It's about love, dreams, life and hope in a very poetic atmoshere. Musics are gorgeous, Lia sing all the songs but I would be very surprised if you don't like at least one of them. Each characters are very unique and likable.
Visually, it's beautifull, some scenes are splendid with 3D effects, characters design is one of the best from Key (which do a great job all the time but especially in Clannad).
In fact, if you like comedy and drama just try that. It's perfect even since the very first episode.

Score :
9/10Visual : 8/10. Key did a great job. Personal opinion : I love the eyes and lights' effects.
Music : 7,5/10. Openings, endings and inserts song by Lia are great but backgrounds music could be really better. It's logicial since it's a visual novel's adaptation. Still very good though.
Story : 6/10. That seems hard but no. I mean it's a slice-of-life, it's logical that the story is not that great compared to others. It's not that the story is bad, it's that it's not the most important point. Plus, the anime ends like I don't like so...(I won't spoil anythin').
Characters : 9/10. That's one of the best point. They are ALL likable.
Charism : 10/10. This note is a very personal point judged by the global anime's charism.
The global score is NOT an average from the other scores.
PS : My favorite character : Kyou.