I'm so happy. I fought with my parents a whole month for a paiement method (since our family had some troubles, they don't have a lot of free time for what I ask) but it's done ! I finally have the Lucia's Idol Set in only...two tries ! Good day, good day !

Note : Gamepot sent me my birthday cake as you can see~ yummy~
EDIT !!!
Ok, that's official. I'm fucking lucky.....
Ok, that's official. I'm fucking lucky.....
YEAH !!!!
You are one lucky ba... I mean guy ^_-. I'd love to have this outfit as well but on the other hand I don't intend to spent a single penny (or yen) on Pangya, so its rather impossible knowing my luck + amount of gatcha tickets that I have. And IF by any chance Id hit a rare in gatcha by a silly luck it would be anything but Lucia's :/. BTW did you make a new account ? I can't see you online at all...
Uh ? I don't think I ever had you in my buddy list XD; that's maybe because of that~
(I have the same account since the very beginning)
Yeah, you're right I've mistaken you for a guy form Breadmasterlee guild :D.
It won't be Hinano.
Well, it's better to say that I hope it won't be...but I totally understand you.
But now, I already know how it look like when someone, one day, tell you "it's over. You can't play anymore, you won't get back either money, time, or anything like that" I think I can still stand that after all. ^^
Goa is too slow and I don't have a lot of things on Pangya US so at least, if it end up with a Private VPN block I will still have good memories. I think you can understand that ;)
Génial! en si peu de coups ^.^
Je suis sûre qu'en + l'ensemble de Lucia (trop belle *_*) est justement celui que tu voulais et du coup t'as aussi un joli poster pout décorer ta maison ^.^
Pour la carte un méga GG aussi vu tous ceux qui pleureraient pour l'avoir :o c'était un bon investissement quoi :D
@Zangetsuna : Bien évidemment que c'est celui que je voulais. Comme d'habitude, je m'arrête de jouer quand j'ai obtenu les rares de Lucia ce qui fut plutôt court cette fois. :3
En revanche c'est la première fois que je suis déçu du set une fois que je l'ai entre les mains...je trouve ce set vraiment trop sexy, même pour elle et surtout trop rose :/ du coup je reste finalement sur la wedding dress depuis tout ce temps (j'ai juste mis les rubans de l'idol set que je trouve sympa et en plus ils donnent 3 de spin).
En revanche le poster est encore mieux que je le croyais du coup j'en ai profité pour acheter tous les meubles du jeu o_o
@Hinano : Well I don't really care about the feather/fairy ears nerf on Japan since I don't have either feather and fairy ears for Lucia.
Maybe with the golden week event which is pretty awesome~ let's hope that my luck will go on~
How are you accessing JP pangya? I still haven't found a work around from the IP ban in the states...
There's some public VPN which are still allowed but I don't know them, at least Hinano knows so I think you can ask her ;)
As for me I simply pay for a private VPN with some french friends.
I'm sorry I don't really want to explain to much since I think strangers like us must to be discreet. I hope you understand and that I could still help you a little. ^^;
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