• Hackers
Please STOP saying there's a lot of hacking on Goa because this is WRONG. Oh my god but did you check how Ntreev have many hackers ? They closed the PSQ because prices were like hell !
Check Goa economy and see how the prices are very very very low. That's the best clue about the fact that there's no hackers on Goa and also one of the best advantage of Goa.
Economy is fine. The only thing you have trouble to get are specs but that seems rather rational.
• Scammers
The hell ?! Hey people. The ONLY thing I do on Goa is trading. I don't play anymore because I have no fun (and no people to play mostly) and guess what ? I didn't met any scammer.
So stop giving your item the first and everything will be fine. If you're still scared go check Goa's forums to find people to trade but...why do you STILL give your item the first ? It makes no sense !
• Perma Accounts bans
Recently, Goa banned players. Apparently because the players involved cheated. Honestly ? I trust Goa on this point. There is proofs that you used cheat's tools one day, even if it was like one year ago. You cheated one day = You get ban.
I don't think this is really fair to ban players now for things they did a very long time ago but I must say I'm happy that Goa finally do something about the whole "cheat" thing.
Interesting note for those who don't play on Goa : Playing with too much accuracy and calcul is forbidden. I can't say much because the limit is not clear for everyone...
Also, the players who got ban SPAMMED the forum everyday with new threads saying how Goa suck and stuff. I'm happy they got bored to do the same things everyday since it was very very annoying. I don't know if I have to trust them or not, that's not the topic.
• Temporary Accounts bans
Guess what ? In the same time they also temporary ban people who unfortunatly bought or sell things to hackers. Later on, they got unbanned without a LOT of pangs. Too bad for them even If can't help to laugh ah ah.
Stop selling overpriced items and I guess you'll be fine. As I already say, I only do trading on Goa and I didn't have any problems. Do things fine and you'll be okay.
• Spoilers
Spoilers ? Why do I speak about spoilers ? Well simply because people I won't mention absolutely want to show how much they know Pangya (interesting note : they are saying absolutely wrongs things in the same way) so they alwayyyyys show things available like in Season 4 ! Utility ? Making people sad, angry, or anything like that because Goa is slooooowwww.
Hey people, all of us already know how much Goa is slow. But if you always show how it could be elsewhere you won't make them going faster. The only thing you'll do is making people to go "elsewhere" or being angry against Goa. In other words, you'll create stress, tension...
Now that I am Amateur E on JPN I can say that my account there is mostly the same than Goa (except all my gacha rares, but I have my papel rares on Goa) do I spamm the forum with my account content ? No. Show a little more respect to other players please.
• Conclusion
I'm not saying that Goa is perfect. Actually I'm quite the first to criticize them. I'm just saying that things would be better if the atmosphere wasn't that unhealthy.
See you.
( >> French Version << )
Naaaa xDDD I wanted to say the REAL accuracy, not the stat. Sorry I suppose my english is bad lmao T_T
But yea, I didn't know how to put that but all the best players got banned or leave the serveur lmao...that's pretty the impression which stay within me rofl.
just a comment to the slow
pangya us was launched 12.05
pangya eu was launched 03.07
and you really think thats slow
Let's just say that Goa NEED to rush because they will be the only serveur still in S3 in only a few days.
that was back in s2 too
alba had arround 1 year s3 before we get it
and i cant understand whats really special about s4 there is only the card and treasure system
cardsystem is only for the "uberpros" and treasure is just a little gift (and i can see that ntreev make that you can only win there shoppotions)
I don't think there's anything special about S4 either (except my favorite character ever). However, do you think it's fine to be that late compared to other servers ? I don't.
The next update is a good exemple they released Daisuke's guns and all the french people are like "hey did you see Arin's motion item" ?
In any case, I'll be fine with Goa once they'll release the scratch card, that's why I still keep an eye on them.
PS : I don't think cards are for über pro.
i mean that with pros because of the -1 wind card etc
for people who calculate more or less
and that "oh kr/eu/whatever got that why dont we got that too" annoying me too
I'm not saying "KR got something why not Goa" or anything like that. Basically I wasn't even criticizing Goa.
Actually, you did the comparison with Pangya US when I was simply doing a statement about their players.
( Do you think feathers are for pro players ? Because that's excactly the same thing... )
no it wasnt against your post
your post was good ^^
and i think feathers are for that "pros" eg silvia mostly over 7wind
perhaps we can write ingame i think were going offtropic^^
Actually I think that cards are for rich people cause the good ones comes only form cookie boosters :). I have quite a bunch of pretty much useless (at least for me) cards on my KR account that came from treasure system, besides cards except from really uber cards like Titan or Tiki (Caddie/Cadie whatever...) don't really improve your game dramatically, they add +1 or 2 to your stats (control cards are rare and cost about 900k anyway), give you some additional bonus for 2 hours or raise a drop rate a bit, that's all.
Season 4 was not so revolutionary as S3 but it has some good points too, there is a new nice course, new approach mode, great treasure system (I miss it soo much in pangyaUSA ;( ) and ppiced tomas or cobras are quite handy (ppiced spikes are mostly terrible). The new GUI is quite nice too, I find S3 GUI to be too dark serious, it's a casual MMO not a Football Manager. The only disappointment is My room feature it is too buggy to be any fun to play with, oh and I was thinking that we didn't get the new special shot but on the other hand, I can't quite imagine what would it look like anyway...
J'aime beaucoup ton article car tu expose le tout de façon très objective.
Hackers > clair que sur US ca fait très peur O_o je pense pas qu'on ait été à 1/10ème de ce que c'est là bas ... NtreevUS doit avoir vraiment du mal à gérer ca (la preuve, fermeture des psquare qui n'ont pas l'air de réouvrir rapidement)
Scammer > perso jamais eu de soucis non plus, reste à être vigilent ...
Perma accounts bans > moi je ne crois pas aux "bans innocents" je pense que Goa sait ce qu'il fait, d'ailleurs ils nous ont expliqué +/- leur méthode de détection.
Temporary accounts bans > là j'trouve juste un peu fort déjà de se faire bannir une semaine pcq un gars t'a acheté un objet pdt que t'étais afk ... mais alors le fait de lui retirer les pangs de la vente sans lui rendre l'objet ...
Spoilers > J'ai adoré le gars qui ne sait rien sur pangya et qui se ramene avec les animations de bases qui ont été remagnées ...
Je trouve également que certains à la vue de certains objets sont carrement impatients ... ceux qui connaissent un minimum Pangya comme nous, savent prendre un peu de recul et être réalistes sur le fait que par exemple le motion item d'ARin c'est pas pour demain XD
Voila sinon très bon article, il y'a du positif et du negatif sur Goa ... en ce moment un peu + de positif sauf pour les méchants :D qui se font punir ^^
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