Pangya (Japan) X Vocaloid 2 ~Megurine Luka~ is now launched and just like the first one...it's really awesome. Maybe a little less bigger but that's just the beginning it seems.
• "Zero Fill Love (Instrumental)" Main Screen BGM turned into "nowhere" sang by Megurine Luka.

The song is really awesome and very catchy. Can't stop listening to it. Thanks to my friend Dri there ya go :
nowhere - Megurine Luka (128 kbps)
• Free Tako Luka hat for the character you want.

For one game played you win 1 TP. With 50 TP. You can get a free Tako Luka. That means that if you want every Tako Luka hats you need to play 400 games within a month. That's kinda hard or impossible for normal people. That's why you can also buy it for 29 CP.
As for me I'll maybe get some - I'd like to get every hats because I do love (Tako) Megurine Luka or more simply like Vocaloid (not an hardcore fan though, just like it) but well...400 games ? That's a lot of deep inferno. I'll maybe be Semi Pro E in no time that way ah ah
• Megurine Luka Set for Arin available for 160 cookies.

That's pretty expensive if you ask me but it's also very nice. Especially, as always for that kind of event, the hairstyle because you can combinate it with plenty of other outffits. That's the best part imo so just buy the hairstyle if you're short of cookies (I'll maybe do that...).

Vu leur page d'event, le campaign 2et le coming soon j'me demande s'ils ne vont pas ressortir tous les Vocaloid d'un coup vu que ca fait un bail O_o
Si c'est ca je pleure T-T ca remuera encore une fois le couteau un peu + dans la plaie pour la MiKooh <3
Et génial le Tako Luka gratuit :D sont sympas.
Même réflexion que toi Zangy. Surtout que le coming soon représente Hatsune "Mikooh" et je vois pas l'interêt de la montrer si c'est pas pour l'avoir mais bon c'est peut être histoire de dire "ah ah, voilà ce que vous auriez pu avoir si vous étiez avec nous avant !".
Quoi qu'il en soit je comprend ta réaction. Pour une fan à la fois de Miku et de Kooh comme toi c'est un peu le must ce set ^^; Moi j'aime "bien" les deux donc ça va.
Si ils rerelease les anciens Vocaloids je veux qu'ils fassent la même chose avec Code Geass, woéééé !!!
Surtout que j'aime aussi Megurine Luka ^^ donc juste deg de plus pouvoir jouer sur JP si pas j'aurais bien investi :o
J'm'imagine déjà jouer avec ca comme perso *_*
Puis même pour Ceci et Anna avec Tako Luka c'est tout autre chose :x
Bref Zang rendors toi et continue à baver sur la jap de loin XD
160 CP is not cheap but not that expensive either, Hatsune Miku set for Kooh cost whooping 195CP (without Negi Clubs), out of all vocaloid outfits only Erika's Kagamine Rin was a bit cheaper. Exclusives are expensive - simple as that ;).
It's normal that Hatsune "Mikooh" is more expensive since the set comes with "ribbons" too. :3 But yeah...exclusives are NOT cheap at all XD!
That's why I didn't buy C.C Lucia because I was too short in money :(
Hmm the point system is a bit complicated than 1 point for one game. So far I've played 2 games today and I got 0 points for quick 3H but I got 4 points for 18H tourney...
That's interesting...I was simply spamming Deep Inferno 3h front (for a change -_-) so I didn't really notice and was lazy to translate the event. Maybe I should do that before posting something lol. I'm helpless I assume.
I believe it's 1 TP every 10 minutes played. Try that.
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