I'm fine thank you. I spend 40$ to not get any good card today but oh well, I already have the rarest card of the game so I suppose I can't complain.
Anyway, since I took a screenshots of every cards I won I put those screenshots together in a video in order to give you an idea about (japan ?) pangya's cards rates. Click here to access it.
Please don't mind the SC I won. It's really SUPER SUPER Rare especially in 9 tries (o yea, btw I won the cards on the video in the order of the video).
Today I was thinking about spending some of my birthday's money gifts and decided to try to win the titan card which gives you -1 wind all the time. Pretty awesome If you ask me.
As you can see in the video I didn't won any good card today. The best one ? Probably ビリーのかばん ☆☆☆ since it allows you to carry one more item. But it's only for 2 hour or so...
Anyway, thanks to me, I hope you'll think twice about spending money in this system. Some cards are awesome but the rates are...well I suggest you to go pray in your temple and be nice with your family in order to grow your karma.......then play.
PS : On youtube you need to have the anotations available yo really enjoy the video~
This is the most stupid limitation of Pangya Japan - you can't buy/sell cards on PSquares -_-;. I mean I understand that in case of gacha rares, you have to pay with real money to get tickets but with cards its identical like in Korea - either you buy them for money or get them from Treasure Hunt. I know that you can't win a really good cards from treasure boxes but still, this is soo frustrating :/ . The onlu=y good thing about card system in japan is the item to remove them from the slots, which is totally useless if you have a tons of crappy cards that you can spent on every character you own...
Don't say bad things about Treasure System ! XD I won a control card on Korea one day bye trasure system even if I (like) never play there~ But yeah I'm lucky.
The fact that you can remove cards is really interesting but yeah, I agree it's not enough compared to the fact of selling cards in Korea.
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