Nothing special to say. After a gacha update it's always kinda quiet but that wasn't bad at all this time since they released 3 sets at once for Lucia !
I don't talk about updates when it comes to new oufftits but this time I wanted to do it.
Especially because 3 sets in a single update for the same character is very cool.
First picture (from right to left) :
New haircut for Lucia. Even if she don't have any hairstyle in papelshop they did a lot of work with her hair. Too bad she always have to cut her beautifful hair for a new hairstyle...
About this one ? Ugly. Seriously I just hate. Hoping this is in pangs because...uah. Too ugly.
The set is not really new. Even if it's a japan exclusive for the moment, artworks using those clothes exist since the biginning of the 4th season. Like for the old pole about her japanese Seiyuu it has nothing to do with the outffit but you can notice that Nana Mizuki was first but they picked Yukana instead who was 4th (I think Yukana fit Lucia very well so it's not a problem).
I don't know if it's cookie or pang but I do love this set...maybe I'll get it. SSAF is way better of course but I'm not against some changes.
Second picture (center) :
Nothing special to say. Korea have this set for a very very very long time and I was wondering if Japan would get in one day. Now it's done.
Cowgirl Lucia is a full set in cookie (that you can buy in a pack with Lucia without hat and gloves). As for my opinion I think it's really cute & hot ; I do love the gloves. It's somehow even better than her gacha posterstick set which is similar.
Third picture :
Same thing than the first one. It's clothes from an old artwork of Lucia. I think this set is fine. They say that the "04" writed down is "maybe" the 4 of "Pangya Season 4". It's fun. I don't know if this poneytail is really new since she already have something similar in two colors, we don't see very well in the picture.
The rest in not very insteresting. I just wanted to share this update and my opinion about it since Japan is the first to get two of those sets.
If they want to release other "artwork's clothes" they could maybe release her blackdress from the artwork you can see as my blog background ? I do love it. Please~ ?

PS : Thank you Zangetsuna~
EDIT : In-game pictures. In my opinion ? Those sets are awesome. Of course it's all in cookie since well...it's our "I so love cookie"-Lucia.

As I thought It's an awesome update for all Lucia's fans~
J'aime beaucoup le set n°3
Je t'ai envoyé par mail via Goa l'artwork ^^
J'aime pas trop la coupe non plus mais c'est assez original.
Trop merci Zangy. Je supprime la demande. :333
Japanese Lucia is still a bit smaller cookie craving monster than her Korean twin sister, but on the other hand you can't buy her gacha rares on Japanese PSquares...
BTW I don't think that a pink ribbon wrapped around forearm can qualify as a glove ;] .
I always call "gloves" when it takes the slot used by (mostly) gloves.
And you're right. Because Japan turn some cookie items (when it exist in different colors) into pang one she's less "dollars/euros hunter" than KR XD
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