Yup. I thought it would be nice to talk a little about this feature coming with the 4th season of Pangya since we never talk about it. And you know why ? I personaly don't. Maybe because it's buggy like hell ?
Basically it's a room where you can putt furnitures or decorations in it. The room has the form of a little square. But you can decorate and walk only in the half.
Most of the furnitures are available in the shop for unlimited time and a very good price too. It goes from sofa to TV or some shelfs and wardrobe.

Some have a little real utility which are available by right clicking on these. The wardrobe send you in your usual my room (with your stuff) and the letterbox is in fact your gift section.
A new feature is the wallet which is also available in the main menu. You can putt your stuff and your pangs in a wallet and putt a personal code with 4 numbers on it. The main utility ?
Protecting your pangs and your stuff from account violations like hack and safe item trade.

Yes because people can visit your room and of course you can visit their as long as the room is not protected with a password (of course it's still fine if you know the password~).

It was also possible to buy a kind of oven during a limited time which allow you to turn normal potatoes into gold potatoes by cooking/burning them in your oven. Of course the gold ones are far better because the normal ones give +5% xp and the gold ones give +50%. Go visit the famous SLGaming for extra informations about that. Honestly I think it's the best feature of the "MY ルーム" System.

Also, it's not very important but I think it's nice. Your room is also the background of the usual "my room". Bye bye the sad blue from the previous seasons.
As a conclusion I think it's a nice addition because everything is in pang (excepted the gacha/scratch card posters). The worst point I think are the bugs...I didn't tried a lot in Korea but as for Japan it's just HORRIBLE to decorate your room...moving your furnitures takes a while and camera are sucky as hell (only zooming and picking 4 angles), sometimes you want to move a furniture and you pick the wrong one, instant ruining you hard work of decoration...~!
Not to mention that my character is sometimes locked in the wardrobe or stucked in the wall.

If only I could remember my code for my wallet on kr (sob).
I'm pretty sure I will find 1M pangs & Specs (Kz) :D.
Hope it will come very soon in PangYa.US.
Lmao I love how you always say what you are thinking about something.
Well the main utility of the my room system are the oven and the wallet. If it wasn't that buggy It could be fun but yes, it's kinda useless XD
I just wanted to give it a shot since I won the stick poster of Lucia which is beautifull to me.
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