Stupid title right ? Well, surely not as much as the new japan update... Don't get me wrong. I think it's fun but yup, silly update~
Check out.

As I previously say they decided to release Tiki's scrolls ... Finally ? I first thought japanese people didn't want this kind of items...honestly I don't get why it is released that late...even Goa already have them ! Uh...? Please someone explain me that. I was so sure they'll never release it.
Well, in any case I'm fine. I don't give a damn about Tiki's scrolls since I always wait until the end to talk a little and stuff but I love TB, especially with Ice Maps like Ice Spa where some shots take forever...
I think it's some sort of major update because of that...!

I'm pretty sure many of you will be sad to read that but PangYa X VOCALOID is almost over. It will end up oficcialy in the next update along with PangYa X Megurine Luka Event which consisted on getting Tako Luka hats for each characters for 8 hours of gaming each ( 10 minutes for one TP, you were right Rich ;) )
But please, smile, Korea will get the first year of event as Sweatdrop said recently. I'm sure US will get it one day too :)
As for me a friend gifted me Megurine Lukarin and I won the Natural Tuna Clubset so I can't be more happy with the event, I also almost finished the second part of the event, see below.
Screenshot#1 Megurine Lukarin with Natural Tuna Clubset
Screenshot #2 PangYa X Megurine Lukarin Event almost full completed~
Video#1 Natural Tuna Clubset with Arin Demo
I was thinking at making a file about this event like I did for the voices but I don't know if people care as much since it's already explained in some other places. I'll see.

I think the banner is pretty explicit LOL !!
Yes, It's a new clubset called Soda Club Set. The design is of course some soda bottles with the Japan logo of Pangya on it.
"There's a fresh sound effect when you shot, it gives you a warm day, We hope you'll feel cool ♪".
I think the concept is awesome~ if it's not too expensive and the stats are decent maybe I just won't resist since you know my love for strange clubsets~
It's for Rookie F of course and it will be available through the shop for a limited time.

Limited time ? Yup. Because it's part of an event called "Mitsuya Cider Collaboration Event"
I guess it's some sort of japanese soda which is popular. (Geez...I hate soda. Bubbles make me sick~)
They are doing a new event about that too which is basically a new crystal hunt. Honestly I love crystal hunts, it gives you want to play. But here the prizes aren't very exciting to me because it seems (I'm not sure though) to be real life prizes and...yeap, you guys know the problem~ ! We'll see that this friday.

Yep there is Mitsuya Cider Version of the clubset so it's surely an other in-game item I do hope that doesn't mean the other clubset has some crappy stats like 11 control but it doesn't seem to be the case.
>> French translation
Yea, the owner fixed it (he rocks) so I guess I'm not banned yet. At least I know I won't suffer to much since it's like I experienced it before XD
Booster in Japan ^^
nice update c_c
and u r right about the mitsuya cider
i asked to my friend he said its very popular he love it haha~
Oh so it's really popular...
mmmh~ I hate soda but the items look fun, especially the thing which looks like a clubset >w< !!
If it's really popular maybe I can get some of it in a japanese shop ? I wonder if there's such thing in Lyon though.
I won't drink it though. Any soda's lover ? XD It seems that you could eventually get Mitsuya Cider for free XD!!
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