Of course because I'm only 5th. But mostly because of the contest itself.
Not text allowed ? Oh really. I suppose if you put "Pangya" and more especially "GOA" it's fine right ? But that's not the worst.
The worst part is that I don't event get why I was in the finalist ! When I saw the others it was more some montage than simply retouching screenshots.
For some, we're not even able to see the original screenshot (and don't lie, you know I'm right).
Just seems like I was totally out of the concept ._. and I ended up being sad because of that.
It's fine honestly. But I would prefer to not be picked in the finalist at all if I misunderstood the concept that much.
It sounds like I'm whining. That may be right since I'm a bad looser but I don't want you to think that I'm saying something like "I deserved to be first" because that's not the case at all.
Just think that...oh well let's simply say I'm whining and let's not talk about it anymore.
Oh and congratz to Saku--chan of course. I saw you picked Black Papel. Good choice (if you didn't got it the first time) since that's the only are you're not able to get later no matter what.
I personally liked how you used Hana eagle animation for making her holding a camera~
As for me, it seems like some of the previous winners didn't want their prizes o_O ... (Lithana, his _dudness what happen to you ?)
Sooo Diune asked me which mascot I wanted LOL. Why not, I'm not spitting on it even if I already have an other mascot in my gift box since the World Tour Event ROFL.

Two months of Mascot and a lot of candies. Semi Pro there I am ?
EDIT : Seems like they gifted balls too. Fine.
lol bah tant mieux pour la mascotte ^^
Pareil moi je m'étais amusée à faire un screenshot de base puis amener des trucs dessus j'en ai vu qui ont fait qqchose avec un tout petit bout de screenshot mais bon ^^
Tu n'as rien à regretter, tu as fait les choses à ta façon, je sais que si tu avais pu ajouter un texte tu aurais aimé. Puis d'ailleurs si je ne me trompe pas tu as eu un petit compliment d'acrylic :p ca fait tjs plaisir ^^
Pour être honnête je sais que tu es capable de faire bcp mieux, tu as juste décidé de faire dans la simplicité cette fois et c'était très joli, j'ai juste préféré le côté amusant/orginal d'autres montages.
Ouais, ouais. Et tu as eu raison de préféré les créations des autres, c'est juste moi qui ai mal interprété ce qui était attendu. /_\
its so sad =/
but at least u got something
sorry for dont vote in u but i dun have account on GOA T_T
wich is ur nickname in PJP ? xD
Well, when you take a screenshot, Pangya&Season3blabla are in there... so... "not text allowed" XD
They said you can use programs to edit the screenshot... without limits but the text.
&you were not totally out of the concept, i really liked yours too ^^ Hana powa!
&In my work you are not allowed to see the original screenshots? I think in some this is true... I hope not in mine >_<
Thanks^^ Yes, black paper. I started when the hairs were released in the papel shop...so I missed black papel.
&for Hana, I had to edit her arm to fit with the camera >_<
& Congrats for the prices. Mascot and feather? lol you are really lucky then XD
@Kyu : I'm sorry I don't give my JPN IGN since I'm a little paranoid and have a lot of ennemies who would be more than happy to report me if I do that I think...
I'm not sure you play there but if you do I'll pm you with it ;)
@Saku : I wasn't thinking of you don't worry.
And no, no : only Mascot XD! It's a huge mess but I end having the 3rd prize anyway.
yes i have an account there
for me PJP is the best pangya server =D
Well, mail me your IGN at omgjesuistonpere@hotmail.fr and I'll see what I'll do :3
mdrrrr l'adresse hotmail XD
J'en ai 3 mais celle-ci, tout le monde l'aime bien 0=)
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