Not for ever but for some time at least.
Why ? Well, I think that many of you noticed that I turned way too emo recently and my posts were going like ... nowhere. Always complaining and stuff.
I don't plan to talk any longer now : I'll be back with something better. Things which are going wrong with this blog :
- Posts are to close with each others.
- My gadgets aren't clear enough.
- I'm sick with this grey design.
- I'm always complaining instead of providing good stuff recently.
I'll work on a new design (don't excpect too much though) and I'll think about a new fresh concept for this blog (or maybe I won't change anything lol, just need to think about it).
That's all folks :) ! BsbZ will be back to rulz the world...later !
If I can't then I won't come back at all XD
PS : If any of the other bloggers want to erase my blog of their blogrolls, that's okay. It will eventually take me some time (two months ? I don't know yet) to put everything right.
It's ok, I won't blame you.
I'll wait for your come back.
&I love this Sailor Moon. Can I have the link to the original pic?
See you later^^ & take care.
I hope the blog will be back really soon to show us your new concept. :)
Hinano gave the link in Twitter and I have to say I watched the whole serie because of the skirts ^_^; *pervert ._.*
thank you^^
lol ¬¬ pervert XD
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