Monday, August 10, 2009

[Pangya EU] Need / Trade Anna Specs !

Yo people~ !
Many of you should think "don't you already have Anna's specs ?"...wellllll... That waas actually true~ !

I traded them for the exact same item but in Pangya US I don't really know why. Later, I regreted since I don't have all Anna's rares anymore~ ._.

I asked the one I trade with if he was ok to do the opposite trade but of course he refused, I don't blame him though, that's pretty normal xDDD

Anyway, if any of you is interested by Hana US Specs I'm your man ! I need specs for Anna (or better/same value) on EU.

You can contact me through the blog directly, it's ok.

As a conclusion,

I can EVENTUALLY put in the trade,

JP :
レインボーフェザー ( Lucia )
悪魔のしっぽ ( Lucia )
ブルースターヘッドフォン ( Max )

EU :
All the rares for Anna excepted Specs and blushing.

US :
Specs ( Hana )

KR :
Afro Wig ( Kaz ) <- Lol

I search the following item, and NOTHING else (except ピーチチーク ( Lucia ) ROFL ) :

EU :
Specs ( Anna )

I hope this is clear.

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