I usually don't speak of me right ? I even never introduced myself I think...maybe I should do that soon...anyway I'm not here to introduce me. This time, I simply wanted to share thoughts as indicate the title. It won't be Pangya related and will be self centered so yeah, you can skip that. I'll maybe disable comments, depending on what I write.
I'm sorry if I do english mistakes, I'm not used to write little essays like thatlol...
So, basically, it's maybe because it's hollidays and that I see nobody ( except my girlfriend but she was in Korea for the past 2 months ), aaaand that I'm bored but I feel myself a little bit depressed. Someday, you have the feeling all you're doing is useless, that people don't care about you. Sometime, it's even true. I think everyone see what I'm talking about unless you have the most passionate life ever.
Anyway, that's what I'm thinking these days. And it's probably a good thing I still like my blog because I feel like people are reading me, and probably care about what I'm doing for them, or for myself.
I think I'm someone open minded, I'm always truly happy to serve people and I try to be nice with people I don't know yet. For exemple, I recently designed the whole forum of someone I don't even really know (just his reputation). It won't bring me anything (except maybe more photoshop training) and I'm doing it because I like to see people happy with what I did for them.
The problem is precisely here. That's when I'm doing something for someone and that he's not respectfull enough. This sentence should make you think ... I don't know ... "does he want people to kiss his feet ?". Not at all. The respect I intend is simple :
- Being honest, you have the right to think that what I did sucks. Just use the correct ton for telling me and bring accurate explanations : criticism is tough but is usefull for people to evolve.
- Saying thanks in any case. That's not too much asked, it takes you 0,5 seconds and it makes me happy.
I used the exemple of the forum design request but that doesn't mean what I say before is for Photoshop requests only, it can be applying with EVERYTHING. By the way it's not like if I'm thinking I'm Photoshop's king like people are telling me all the time. No, what I say is that, when I do anything for you, just be respectfull. Try to think "hey, could I offended him by saying that or this ?", try to think as me like I try to think as you.
I wanted to talk about an other exemple but I won't do it since it will makes another drama. Instead, I have to laugh about the whole "You're so popular" thing.
That's crazy, french (and sometime european) people tend to think that I'm like soooooo popular and loved by everyone among ... I don't know ? Pangya commu ? Brawl commu ? Where is it supposed to stop ?
When I'm doing a contest where you must vote, or picked by someone in particular, people think I'm using my popularity to win. WTF ? What's fun is that I usually lose. And it should stop them to say stupid things like that but no lol...they say the same things on the next contest.
So it's simple : stop thinking I'm popular because I'm not. Recently, someone even posted one of my video the goa forum without even knowing it was an other french who made it. Plus, A LOT, of people dislike me. I don't know the reason since I mostly don't even talk to them but that's the case. It's not embarassing to say that I'm popular if I really was but I-am-not. That's all.
Anyway, I think that's more fun than anything to hear from people I know that I'm popular lol. It's wrong but it makes me laugh.
As a conclusion for the lack of respect I feel against me, I'll simply do less and less things for people. Free banners, writing a news, designing something, talking to someone for someone else. I'll simply stop what I usually do with pleasure because I feel like I won't have to suffer for something I'm doing for free.
Finally, that's maybe that I'm just depressed these days. School is back soon, I won't know anyone in my new school plus, I have always some trouble to make new friends in a new place. Sooo, maybe it's just like as always but I'm more open to uh "pain" (that's a big word, I mean I just things bad people are boring).
Whatever that's what I think and If I can't put what I'm thinking in my own blog I don't know where I would be able to do it.
See you guys.
So long post...
OK, I readed it all.
I can understand you. I dont like blogs and stuff like that because of the "popularity".
But you are really a good boy (I allways thought you were a girl, zorry >_<) and you help us a lot with all your posts.
I allways try to say thank you, but just in case...: thank you for all your help and kindness. ^^
Until this post you thought I was a girl lol ? That's cute xD
Well don't worry this post doesn't aim people like you.
J'aime bien ce post ^^ qui nous rappelle que même si on est ce connait que via internet, nous sommes des humains derrière un PC avec des sentiments...
Perso je trouve toujours ton job excellent.
Je suis une des premières à trouver que les gens manquent de + en + de respect ... peut-être une question d'éducation, j'en sais rien ...
Pour la popularité, j'ai aussi ce problème XD
Juste pcq j'ai un blog parfois il m'arrive de me connecter et "OMG Zangetsuna" ... ah wé ok et? XD
Ca a tout de même ses avantages j'dis pas ... lol
J'espère que ca ira dans ta nouvelle école ^^ que tu trouvera qq'un d'ouvert qui viendra vers toi et voila ... faut pas te tracasser à l'avance, ca devrait bien se passer.
Et puis même si on se connait juste par intermédiaire du PC dis toi que tu as bcp de gens qui t'apprécient + pour ta personalité qu'autre chose ^^ ca remonte le moral parfois.
Non mais justement, je ne suis pas spécialement populaire et les gens ont tendance à s'imaginer le contraire.
Quand je me connecte personne me dit bonjour xDD
Yes, sorry T_T
It's because english is sooo bad >_<
In spanish you can say:
Boy: Estoy contento. (I'm happy)
Girl: Estoy contenta. (I'm happy)
So you can easy see if someone is a boy or a girl... but in english... its the same.
In this post you said that you have a girlfriend.. so or you are a boy or you are girlxgirl (idk how to say this in english >_<), so I checked your blogger profile. XD
So nop, I'm not cute, I'm a silly girl xD
The same problem exist in french in fact and I tend to write like a girl on the internet (I don't know why, something I noticed from other people thinking I'm a girl) so it's no surprise.
Lol and for the girlxgirl XDDDDD Yeah right now I'm lesbian with my girlfriend, so much fun XD
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