Wassuuup~ guys ?
Althrough I said the exact opposite thing on my introduction post, for some reasons I thought promoting this humble pangya blog more would be a good idea.
To be honest, I recall I got views mostly from :
- Pangya TH (since I blogged about SNSD and Pangya and they love both on their forums.)
- SLGaming which was (and still is somehow) #1.
- ...and other various stuff.
So yeah, now that I stopped Pangya blogging for over a year and that SLGaming retired I'm affraid I won't get any views at all so...hopefully you can give a hand !
I'm not an attention whore or anything, it's just that I don't want to make stuff for like nobody. I don't care about comments (well it's still nice !) and such, I just feel better if I know people read my stuff (and I can know that, through statistics). So yeah, if you need views too let's just share links so we can cross promote or something. I may not give you much views at first but think of this as an investment !
If you interested, just leave a comment or contact me anywhere else (twitter, forums, mails...) and I'll add you to my blogroll (as long as it related to video games, pangya or animes).
I...think that's about it ? Hopefully this blog will be more popular as time goes by. See you later !
J'ai remis ton blog dans mon blogroll ^^
Bonne continuation ;)
Ok, je t'ajoute également ;) !
Bonne continuation à toi aussi~
I just red this post xD
I would like to add you to my blogroll(although I just found out about this blogroll thing..)
Well, let me know! =]
Lol you probably digged a lot if you just found out that post.
Anyway, just added you to my blogroll~
Lmao, I like looking at old posts of blogs :3
Well, added and thanks!
Good luck with your blog and keep it up ;]!
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