Remember this post of last week ? Well, it's pretty much the same case. Wtf is wrong with them lol...
Not that I care, I have plenty of other stuff to do this week... Anyway, to compensate, I'll post about various other stuff totally unrelated to pangya~
So...what do we do ? What about music ?
On twitter,

Kinda awesome, if you ask me.

I guess Touhou remain a valeur sûre. Well, I don't know a lot about Touhou (mainly because their games are way too hard for me) but I offten listen to Touhou music because most of my friends love it and some songs are really great~
Oh, also if you love Girls' Generation, don't forget to support the girls! They are currently promoting in japan and if you love Gee, they will release a japanese version of the korean hit song on 20th october~ (along with a new MV)
I guess that's about it... For my first secret random post, that was kinda an hommage to my old readers as I used to post about Girls' Generation a lot (especially during summer 2009). Also this whole "secret" post is supposedly a joke referring to Arin's secret gacha swimsuit.
hopefully next week, gamepot will bring something new (they'd better, a lot of people are raeging like hell right now).
I see you later~
Gee gee gee gee baby baby baby
SNSD r awesome xD
looking forward ur SNSD's posts c_C
SNSD awesomeness is undeniable but it was just here as a joke/filler lol. It will remain a pangya blog only.
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