Monday, November 22, 2010

pangya_jp mailmag 112210 *director cut*

What a surprise! ...not really.

New Gacha "Project G 2 + String Clubset"

Now I don't really get why they didn't call it "instruments clubset" or whatever because "String" is a know.

Anyway this is basically almost as I said here.


babynuko @Mainlless it looks like you missed the part where to get the guitar clubs you have to either complete the gacha or blow 50 coupons.  (on twitter)

Mainlless @babynuko I just saw it was the gacha so I didn't bother reading, thanks for the head up ! (on twitter)

I don't know if this is a good thing or not... Not really convinced.
That seems a bit hard to get them.

Okay is it just me or...Yeah...K-on much ? I mean look ! Isn't Erika freaking Tsumugi ?
Lucia can be Mio or something.
That's like a mix between SNSD and K-on.

Want a better view of the outtfits ? I found this on a japanese board.

I'm definitely skipping this set as well.

6TH Anniversary CP Promotion

I believe it's something like this :
- If you charge between 112510 and 120210 (this is a full week promotion) you'll get 66% more of BONUS CP. When you're charging 1000CP you usually get 46CP as a bonus which means that during the promotion you will get 116CP for a total of 1116CP.
- Depending on how much you charge between 112510 and 120210, you may get stuff.

Maybe I'll charge a bit for later use.

Thanksgiving Event

This event goes on. I already explained it here.

Pangya 6th Anniversary

It's ending this week. I still didn't make a post out of it but I swear this is coming~

Happy Birthday Arin

Since it is part of Pangya 6th Anniversary's event, it ends this week as well. I ALSO, need to make a full post out of it but this is coming real soon too~

Weekly Poll

Which GM unform do you prefer ?
(This is for PWC, see last week mailmag for more informations)

みつば 22.6%
夏みかん 24.5%
honey 11.3%
ミント 22.6%
ぜりー 18.9%

My favourite got the highest score kekekeke~

Next poll : How many lines of 'Happy Birthday Arin's Bingo did you complete ?


Personally, 10! I finished it, yo!

1 comment:

Blazegreg said...

*tackles the Manequins and takes all of the clothes off them, stuff them into a bag, and walks out the front door*