Ok, some things to say just like that. About some MMO for a change. I'm quite happy to see that my blog is still alive after 3 months, I post a least every week or so. Need to change the design soon, little bit bored with the actual banner.

● Japan Pangya did it again
Even if I don't play there anymore because of the VPN ban I go on to read the newses when I have the courage to translate the gamepot's mail. The next update particularly catch my attention. No way, they release two new clubsets which give voices ? Exactly like the Magical Voice and Miracle Voice Clubset ?
I can't believe it. I wait for it for so long since I miss those Miracle Voices...too sad I can't play there anymore... They will release it along with the Lucia's pyjama because she didn't get her thanks to the wedding dress.
I'm not sure because my Japanese is quite poor but it seems that the characters will say something different. Here's their design :

The first one is in the shop, with bad stats and less voices. The second one will have all the voices and will be available through the gacchapon loterie system along with the Lucia's Pyjama.
About their design themselves I think they are quite strange...I mean, what the point with "voices" ? They more seem like strange tools for a scientist. I don't get it.
● Suck less Goa!!
The title is a joke. And also a reference about a Brawl "combo" video ah ah.
Just wanted to say that it's very clear that the chances to win a rare items are very very ... low.
And it wasn't the case before. I mean, at the beginning of Pangya EU the first Papel Shop release got pretty good rates. I won 3 rares items even if I was a noob (I hear someone telling that I'm still a noob...) now you can easily put 100k pangs without getting a single rare. When you have 24 rares to win ; getting THE rare you want is damn hard...
That's a shame because everyone is complaining about PSQ's prices and Goa say they could do something. Putting low rates is the thing they planned to do about it ? What's the point ?
I think I will skip this set. I can't afford it. I just wanted the pink mask of Kooh but because she's very popular I don't think I'll get it. And NO WAY, I won't sell my rares.

● Reached Lvl 55
Yup. You think "What's the point about reaching the 55 level ?". But I absolutely wanted to do a Death Knight since I love everything with them. Design, background story, gameplay...
That's why I let my dear demonist on the corner until I'll get bored with my Death Knight !
● Did a Death Knight
She is !
Yes...I did a girl. And it will surely be the last time because everyone is like "/kiss", "/kiss". How is it possible ? I don't know, everything is virtual... I could have some good tastes when it's about girls.
I mean, it could be a man playing with a girl character...wait. Oh right ! That's my case.
So it's even way more boring. But somehow...it's fun.
I wonder if I could use my fake charms to get some usefull items...?! AN EPIC FLYING MOUNT ?
● Reached Lvl 60
Uh uh. My dear Lilynäth got level 60 in no time. That's not very surprising even if I'm way too casual. The outland is full of quests ! That's impressing because level 45 -> 58 it's very hard to find good quests. That's why I'm so bored with Sylphaeï in fact...
The Outland is beautifull especially the sky...never saw something like that in a MMO ! It's like seeing a wonderfull galaxy all the time. But it's also a little bit hard...
Well, I'm quite bad playing a Death Knight since you have everything to learn in a very short time (if you don't remember : you begin level 55 and are lvl 58 in one hour or two). Thanks god, the Death Knight is very cheated. I'm only level 60 with the stuff you have just by doing Death Knight's Quests (you are obliged to do those in fact) and my characteristics are... Waow...impressive. 20% critical hit rate for exemple (my brother explains me that his main was having 30% level 80 with a pretty good stuff).
Well, that's all for today. I don't know if I will put the french version. My friends are not all very good with english but this post is way too long. We'll see what we'll do.
Oh. I'm happy to see here :3
I wasn't sure about as I said, glad to hear that it's the same effect with a better skin though.
By the way, the clubset seems to be about an actor called ゴー☆ジャス. Since my japanese is still quite bad I didn't manage to found a lot of thing about him (except the fact that he was in the final of the Japan Cup 2006 Air Guitar but who cares ? XD). If you know anything it would be great to tell me.
See ya :3
dk suxx they are overpowered^^
and jeah the dropp rate at goa is low but it isnt like that the item stay only 1 week and that they called "rare" items
@Myray : That's right. But I am very casual and not skilled so DK really fit me :3
Yeaah...I agree with you about the fact bu it's called rare but here, we should better call them "Legandary". XD
druids 4tw :p
and its not like that every 100 monter dropp a rare item in wow :P
some legendary items dropped first after a half year in wow and i saw the first rare 1 hour after the mainentrance
just waiting that some more getting rares
ゴー☆ジャス is this guy: http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s1/Sweatdr0p/star.png
I might cover on this, since it could be related to KR in a way. Releasing the vocal clubs ver.2 along with Lucia's voice could be a possibility once Ntreev KR gets settled down.
@Myray : I'd like to play a druid one day. In fact, after like...3 years (XD), when my two characters will be level 80. I'll do a priest.
And after that...a druid.
Wait...It's faaar ! T.T
@Rich : Yup. I got his picture, the video on the official website and even some informations but it will be cooler when you'll cover this (since it's not still very clear to me).
Salut, je fais un jolie HS pour te demander si SSB-Fr est disponible, car chez moi il ne l'est toujours pas :/ (alors que le changement de forum devait durer moins d'une semaine ?)
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