Wednesday, May 20, 2009

ポケットモンスター ハートゴールド』 and ポケットモンスター ソウルシルバー <3<3<3

Well I am not a HUGE fan of the whole serie but it's a game which was very important in my childhood. Pokémon Gold/Silver/Crystal were the best game of the whole serie in my opinion and I just hated the latest (Pearl/Diamond/Platine). Too slow, too many pokemons to remember, not original, not word : boring.

Pokémon is the perfect "kill time when you're not home" so I was disapointed to don't like their latest game. ANYWAY, to read the news that Gold/Silver got a remake is so awesome ! Looking at the screenshots, it will be the same graphic style as D/P. Sad to notice that, since that means the game will surely be as slow... Anyway, I ABSOLUTELY need to tell it to my bro'. He loves Gold/Silver even more than me and many of you... Hey, maybe I shouldn't tell him ? It could be a birthday gift or something. Hum. I got and idea there.

Hey, by the way, to speak of another subject which is more classical : Japan Pangya will get Waiters/Waitresses for 5 characters (excluding Lucia) + Lucia SSAF. I don't care of the "main" set since I just love Lucia and only Lucia but the SSAF...<3 I'm in love. No matter how much it will cost me I'll get it ! Expect some screenshots soon~

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