I was near of DYING on my chair since I wasn't as lucky as the other time...this time, I spend 40$ (28€) to get 11 tickets (+ somes bonus tickets ofc). My only goal ? Lucia's SSAF. I don't like those "waiters/waitresses" set...at least not enough to try to spend money on it. So it was a ratio of 1/6 of luck to get the good rare.

After some tries, I won Kaz. I don't own Kaz and excepted the glasses I don't like this set in fact. Geez... (and don't even like Kaz btw)

Then I won Ken (Nuri). I don't like Ken. But...I love this set. Glasses makes him looking handsome. At least I own this character since I put the truth when I registered : I'm a boy. Ah, ah.
Then...it was my very last ticket and I was desperate because I didn't want to put more money in it...BUT IT HAPPENS.

She's so sexy in it...and have so much SPIN ! I was having 12 spin with this set. So I simply took back my Bloody Slaves Clubset wich have a crappy spin and I got my lovely 9 spin again. Sweet.
Anyway. I'm now having both the wedding dress and the ssaf of my favorite character. What should I say ? I'm happy.
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