Joke. Truth is : life goes so fast...I'm kinda scared. I feel like I was 12 years old two minutes ago and now I'm 17.
I can't say "I'm feeling old" since 17 is STILL young but maybe in 5 minutes I will be 40 ? I feel it like that.
PS : You still can wish it (ah ah~) but I just wanted to say that I won't be disapointed if nobody tell it since I'm not feeling well to celebrate my birthday this year.
EDIT : Anyway, 17 years old the 17 May. It happens only one time in a life.
N'anniv Mainllessuuu~ ! (::>)
Happy birthday!
Happy Bday, Mainlless!!
Enjoy your youth, because once you past 21, there's really nothing to look forward too..
Bon anniversaire main' :3
Happy Birthday ;D~
Happy Birthday Mainless ^^, although I have to agree with Rich, enjoy your youth, after you reach 30 there will be even less to look forward to..
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