Sunday, May 17, 2009

This is the (birth)day

Today is my birthday~ Wish me all an "happy birthday"~

Joke. Truth is : life goes so fast...I'm kinda scared. I feel like I was 12 years old two minutes ago and now I'm 17.

I can't say "I'm feeling old" since 17 is STILL young but maybe in 5 minutes I will be 40 ? I feel it like that.

PS : You still can wish it (ah ah~) but I just wanted to say that I won't be disapointed if nobody tell it since I'm not feeling well to celebrate my birthday this year.

EDIT : Anyway, 17 years old the 17 May. It happens only one time in a life.


Anonymous said...

N'anniv Mainllessuuu~ ! (::>)

Orihime said...

Happy birthday!

Joriksun said...

Happy Bday, Mainlless!!

Rich said...

Enjoy your youth, because once you past 21, there's really nothing to look forward too..

chako33 said...

Bon anniversaire main' :3

Black2key said...

Happy Birthday ;D~

Abi-kun said...

Happy Birthday Mainless ^^, although I have to agree with Rich, enjoy your youth, after you reach 30 there will be even less to look forward to..