Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Japan Update 09-07-17 (Edited)

Everything I love in a single update. Possible ? YES.
Honestly when I checked the newsletter I was "he ?! no gacha update" ? Who the hell care ? That's 100 times better than a gacha update~ !

...I think I'm gonna faint LOL.

Woups. Looks like they forgot the "s" at "Wing". Well, typical japanese engrish, I think that's cute or something......

Anyway, YES! YES, YES, YES. Whouhou campaign~ Finally Arin's motion item is out~ ! That's simply awesome. Angel Wings + Tunas + Megurine Luka Set = EPIC WIN.

Oh and I already did a demo thanks to Oli'. [LINK]. I'll probably make a new one with mine. Maybe yes, maybe not, we'll see. Can't wait.

「ホワイトフェザーイヤ リング」 & 「ブラックフェザーイヤリング」
White Feather Earrings & Black Feather Earrings

The banner inspire me. Yup. There's something even better (for me) than the upcoming Arin's motion item release...!

Lucia's papel shops rares rerelease~ !!! Wouhou. Champaign again, I think I'll end up totally drunk. Well the event is the "Lucia's festival". Uh ? Lucia's festival ? Yup. It's her "birthday" !

One year (on Japan). Happy Birthday Lucia !
Ok, when playing gacha PP, you can get the following items :

For Lucia :
頬紅 ("reddening")
ピーチチーク (Peach Cheek(s))
レインボーフェザー (Rainbow Feather)
プリティマスク (Pretty Mask)
パーティーマスク (Party Mask)

For every characters :
ドルフヘッドフォン (Dolph Headphone)
ピンクスターヘッドフォン (Pink Star Headphone)
ブルースターヘッドフォン (Blue Star Headphone)

YUP! Special set added for Lucia ! It's like the best day ever..... sadly they didn't release her Specs too but I think that's surely because of the Japan Cup 2009 Event, with it you can get it.
And yes devil tails are no longer available.

You think that's over ? It's not over yet.

Pangs X2 :
Duration : Saturday, July 18th 9PM - Sunday, July 19th 7AM
Content : During the period above, PPX2.

Free Balls :
Duration : Thursday, July 16th starting after the maintenance - Sunday, July 19th 11:59PM
Content : When you log in during the day you can get 5 デイリースターアズテック (Daily Star Aztek).

Mitsuya Cider X PanYa. Nothing new here.
More informations here.

>> French Version <<

1 comment:

Abi-kun said...

Very nice update, I might try to get one of those lovely Lucia rares ^^.