Everything I love in a single update. Possible ? YES.
Honestly when I checked the newsletter I was "he ?! no gacha update" ? Who the hell care ? That's 100 times better than a gacha update~ !
...I think I'm gonna faint LOL.

Woups. Looks like they forgot the "s" at "Wing". Well, typical japanese engrish, I think that's cute or something......
Anyway, YES! YES, YES, YES. Whouhou campaign~ Finally Arin's motion item is out~ ! That's simply awesome. Angel Wings + Tunas + Megurine Luka Set = EPIC WIN.
Oh and I already did a demo thanks to Oli'. [LINK]. I'll probably make a new one with mine. Maybe yes, maybe not, we'll see. Can't wait.

The banner inspire me. Yup. There's something even better (for me) than the upcoming Arin's motion item release...!
Lucia's papel shops rares rerelease~ !!! Wouhou. Champaign again, I think I'll end up totally drunk. Well the event is the "Lucia's festival". Uh ? Lucia's festival ? Yup. It's her "birthday" !
One year (on Japan). Happy Birthday Lucia !
Ok, when playing gacha PP, you can get the following items :

頬紅 ("reddening")
ピーチチーク (Peach Cheek(s))
レインボーフェザー (Rainbow Feather)
プリティマスク (Pretty Mask)
パーティーマスク (Party Mask)

For every characters :
ドルフヘッドフォン (Dolph Headphone)
ピンクスターヘッドフォン (Pink Star Headphone)
ブルースターヘッドフォン (Blue Star Headphone)
ピンクスターヘッドフォン (Pink Star Headphone)
ブルースターヘッドフォン (Blue Star Headphone)
YUP! Special set added for Lucia ! It's like the best day ever..... sadly they didn't release her Specs too but I think that's surely because of the Japan Cup 2009 Event, with it you can get it.
And yes devil tails are no longer available.

You think that's over ? It's not over yet.
◆ Pangs X2 :
Duration : Saturday, July 18th 9PM - Sunday, July 19th 7AM
Content : During the period above, PPX2.
◆ Free Balls :
Duration : Thursday, July 16th starting after the maintenance - Sunday, July 19th 11:59PM
Content : When you log in during the day you can get 5 デイリースターアズテック (Daily Star Aztek).

Mitsuya Cider X PanYa. Nothing new here.
More informations here.
>> French Version <<
1 comment:
Very nice update, I might try to get one of those lovely Lucia rares ^^.
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