With their goodbye stages in Music Bank and Music Core I think we're done.
Music Bank ( Goodbye Stage )
( Youtube Link )
They performed a short version of Boyfriend from their album Genie. I prefer Girlfriend but oh well. It's nice to see them performing something else.
Also, it seems that the choreography was made in a rush. Unoriginal and they made mistakes :
@ 0:45 Yuri
@ 0:54 Sunny
But overall that was refreshing so let's not complain about those little things.
( Youtube Link )
And the classic Tell Me Your Wish. Something seem you odd ? Maybe that's because Tiffany is not here lol.
She's visiting her family in the us apparently.
Yuri, Taeyeon and Jessica took her parts.
That's a little bit odd considering there's still her voice in the ad lib ... It's like they sing with Tyffany's voice time to time. But wasn't it fun to hear Jessica's "DJ put it back on" ?
@1:46 there's Tyffany's voice in the background. It's like a ghost, I think it was creepy personaly XDDD
Finally I have to say Music Bank truly suck. Their soundsystem is sucky most of the time and what the hell happen to the camera man during Hyoyeon and Yuri's dancebreak ? It's like "I wanna film Yuri's boobz !!!". But I think he wanted to record the fireworks instead...Fail.
Overall, a chaotic but original perf~ !
Music Core ( Goodbye Stage )
( Youtube Link )
Tiffany and Yuri will still be MC for Music Core after SNSD goodbye stage~ Don't worry lol. That's the only thing I wanted to say.
( Youtube Link )
LOL ? Such a random performance of Etude (also from their album Genie). I let you simply watch XD Enjoyed it though~ !
and finally.
( Youtube Link )
...great performance.
My favourite outtfits plus good background (probably from Tiara performing S.E.S "dreams come true"). Also the crowd was crazy and I really enjoyed it !
Since it's the very last performance (or so I think) it's nice to see that nothing screwed it up ;_; !
Anyway that's the end now XD Such a long post.
They will come back with a brand new full album in some months and I'll restart spamming you with them. SM Enternament also stated that SNSD were preparing for oversea activities. Like China or Japan I suppose. Even though I think they are a very refreshing group with a concept that nobody use (or almost) I don't think that's a good idea since asian artists always screw everything they did by promoting in other countries but hey. Why not.
Anyway, can't wait for their comeback. I don't think I'll cover an other girl group (even if I like plenty of them), that's why I'll update my blog less offten. But that's not a problem since Summer is almost over and I'll don't have all the free time I had the past 3 months.
Also I think I posted a little too much in a very short time. I'm stating that since I didn't get any comment for any of my post recently lol. But I'm fine with it, it's not like if it is a skyblog or something.
Video 1: perso j'préfère Genie ^^
Video 2: c'est leur avantage d'être autant lol quand il y'en a une qui manque c'est facile d'y remedier :x
Video 3: c'est Tiffany avec I ou Y au final? XD
Video 4: j'aime pas trop les vêtements couleur layette XD sinon très frais comme chanson et génial le cadre :p
Video 5: très chouette ^^ j'aime aussi beaucoup ces vêtements là ... surtout les chaussures *_*
Lol j'ai oublié de corrigé l'article après m'être fait engueuler par une armée de sones (=SNSD fans). C'est avec un i.
Youtube it's not working good today for me... so I'll check the videos tomorrow.^^
Im sure I'll love them all, so thank you.
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