First of all, I have to say that, overall, I'm really satisfied. I have a lot more readers than excpected and it grow up everyday. Also, it was basically a blog for like my friends only (that's why it was in french before) and it evolved into something bigger day by day.
I was surprised since that wasn't really the goal but it also became a personal source of satisfaction so I worked with and tried my best to get a more and more interesting content everyday. I know talk mainly about two subjects :
- K-Pop (SNSD)
- Pangya
It already do a lot of post just with that so I don't think I'll add more subject for now, at least not until I get a blog with a better design which facilitates long reading (= not soon lol).
I remember the first time I was surprised about my blog. It was because of sfrou XD I didn't know him at that time and I saw him with a picture I did for my blog as his avatar on pangya-fr. Wow.
Later on, the second shock was when some people complimented my work when I was logged into Goa. Then, I put google's because I was thinking "how many readers I have after all ?".
And then, I was "oh fuck, people read me in fact".
Bounce Rate :
That's not bad but to be honest that's still a little bit disapointing for me. Well, more than one visitor out of two come back on my blog so that's fine I suppose... If possible I'd like to reach something like 7x%. Don't know if it's possible, I'll do my best though.
Time on the Site :
I don't have anything to say about that. I don't really get if it's good or not. Do you think it takes you like 3 minutes to read a whole post ? That's possible. Considering that let's say I'm satisfied.
New visits :
I don't get it very well either. But I think that's good.
Browsers used by visitors:
1st : Firefox with 58,49%
2nd : Internet Explorer with 29,53%
3rd : Opera with 6,95%
At least, it seems that my readers have good tastes lol.
Keywords :
I won't give you the top 3 but...just want to answer to a recurrent question asked to google :
Sadly people, I have to tell you it's like totally impossible to really put voices in the USA serveur of Pangya XD you can go home now lol
The rest is no surprise, I really love keywords, it shows what people like in my blog to me. Most of the time I don't give a crap but sometime it inspires me a faq or a little post ^^
Top content :
Visitors' favourite content is my faq about Pangya X Vocaloid. That's fine because I worked really hard on it and I'm glad people read it. Even if they don't let any comments lol.
then come my pride :
Map overlay :
I have people from 52 differents countries visiting my blog since a month. The site is visited by :
1st United States
2nd France
3nd Thailand
At first I was really really really surprised to see that Thailand was in top 3 O_O
That's why I visited pangya.ini.co forum and found that as a member's signature :

It's basically a fanart of tifa_redeye from Pangya Thailand. It very well resume what I love in everyday life and also what Pangya Thailand's players love I suppose. K-Pop, SNSD, Pangya and Lucia. My tastes too.
I love you guys then ! xDD
Also US recently beat France in term of visitors. I'd like to know if I offten do english mistakes or not but it seems that it is overall good for having so many people from the US reading me. Thank you so much.
That's also why I put this poll in the right side because I feel like french people don't care as much as before.
I don't think I'll do this kind of post everyday but I'm fine doing a check up with you guys and I don't mind if people think bad things about me this time~ !
See you all ! Bye bye~ !
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