Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Japan Update 05 - 28 - 09 (Lucia only ?) + In-game screenshots
Nothing special to say. After a gacha update it's always kinda quiet but that wasn't bad at all this time since they released 3 sets at once for Lucia !
I don't talk about updates when it comes to new oufftits but this time I wanted to do it.
Especially because 3 sets in a single update for the same character is very cool.
First picture (from right to left) :
New haircut for Lucia. Even if she don't have any hairstyle in papelshop they did a lot of work with her hair. Too bad she always have to cut her beautifful hair for a new hairstyle...
About this one ? Ugly. Seriously I just hate. Hoping this is in pangs because...uah. Too ugly.
The set is not really new. Even if it's a japan exclusive for the moment, artworks using those clothes exist since the biginning of the 4th season. Like for the old pole about her japanese Seiyuu it has nothing to do with the outffit but you can notice that Nana Mizuki was first but they picked Yukana instead who was 4th (I think Yukana fit Lucia very well so it's not a problem).
I don't know if it's cookie or pang but I do love this set...maybe I'll get it. SSAF is way better of course but I'm not against some changes.
Second picture (center) :
Nothing special to say. Korea have this set for a very very very long time and I was wondering if Japan would get in one day. Now it's done.
Cowgirl Lucia is a full set in cookie (that you can buy in a pack with Lucia without hat and gloves). As for my opinion I think it's really cute & hot ; I do love the gloves. It's somehow even better than her gacha posterstick set which is similar.
Third picture :
Same thing than the first one. It's clothes from an old artwork of Lucia. I think this set is fine. They say that the "04" writed down is "maybe" the 4 of "Pangya Season 4". It's fun. I don't know if this poneytail is really new since she already have something similar in two colors, we don't see very well in the picture.
The rest in not very insteresting. I just wanted to share this update and my opinion about it since Japan is the first to get two of those sets.
If they want to release other "artwork's clothes" they could maybe release her blackdress from the artwork you can see as my blog background ? I do love it. Please~ ?
PS : Thank you Zangetsuna~
EDIT : In-game pictures. In my opinion ? Those sets are awesome. Of course it's all in cookie since's our "I so love cookie"-Lucia.
The pop which is... surprisly pretty nice. That's maybe because I love the eagle animation but I think this pop up really catch your attention.
The cowgirl set. Nothing special to say.
The new hairstyle. Not as horrible as I thought. I still prefere the awesome qi pao or the little poneytail but I thought it would be way worst.
I think this is really cute. Girls who don't like their characters to wear whore/sexy-clothes should appreciate that in my opinion.
My favorite. I love the fact that it's in two parts (it was said in the newsletter though) and she's really cute with it.
As I thought It's an awesome update for all Lucia's fans~
Monday, May 25, 2009
Season 4 "MY ルーム"
Yup. I thought it would be nice to talk a little about this feature coming with the 4th season of Pangya since we never talk about it. And you know why ? I personaly don't. Maybe because it's buggy like hell ?
Basically it's a room where you can putt furnitures or decorations in it. The room has the form of a little square. But you can decorate and walk only in the half.
Most of the furnitures are available in the shop for unlimited time and a very good price too. It goes from sofa to TV or some shelfs and wardrobe.
Some have a little real utility which are available by right clicking on these. The wardrobe send you in your usual my room (with your stuff) and the letterbox is in fact your gift section.
A new feature is the wallet which is also available in the main menu. You can putt your stuff and your pangs in a wallet and putt a personal code with 4 numbers on it. The main utility ?
Protecting your pangs and your stuff from account violations like hack and safe item trade.
Yes because people can visit your room and of course you can visit their as long as the room is not protected with a password (of course it's still fine if you know the password~).
It was also possible to buy a kind of oven during a limited time which allow you to turn normal potatoes into gold potatoes by cooking/burning them in your oven. Of course the gold ones are far better because the normal ones give +5% xp and the gold ones give +50%. Go visit the famous SLGaming for extra informations about that. Honestly I think it's the best feature of the "MY ルーム" System.
Also, it's not very important but I think it's nice. Your room is also the background of the usual "my room". Bye bye the sad blue from the previous seasons.
As a conclusion I think it's a nice addition because everything is in pang (excepted the gacha/scratch card posters). The worst point I think are the bugs...I didn't tried a lot in Korea but as for Japan it's just HORRIBLE to decorate your room...moving your furnitures takes a while and camera are sucky as hell (only zooming and picking 4 angles), sometimes you want to move a furniture and you pick the wrong one, instant ruining you hard work of decoration...~!
Not to mention that my character is sometimes locked in the wardrobe or stucked in the wall.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Huge pangya zone...?
What the hell ? Since I paid for it I'm happy but isn't it a little bit too huge ?! I have like 100% Pangya rate when I play on JP with SC Kadye + Fairy Wings...
Normal Pangya Impact Zone :
No bonus.
Pangya Impact Zone with Fairy Wings + SC Kadye :
I decided to put my SC Kadye on the SSAF boots since I -cough- loves those boots !
Anyway I can't imagine when you add elfen ears to it (missed it for Lucia last year) ... Do you have to take drug to miss your Pangya ?
Normal Pangya Impact Zone :
No bonus.
Pangya Impact Zone with Fairy Wings + SC Kadye :
I decided to put my SC Kadye on the SSAF boots since I -cough- loves those boots !
Anyway I can't imagine when you add elfen ears to it (missed it for Lucia last year) ... Do you have to take drug to miss your Pangya ?
Friday, May 22, 2009
Blog update
Well I don't know if some of you noticed but I don't translate in french since some times...Why ? Well I think my posts are a little bit too long if I put the translation next to it. I was wondering since the very beginning "how should I do ?". The idea to do a second blog came. But I wanted something more simple...that the main stuff stay here.
Then it hit me. Well, chako hit me is more exact. He told me that he wanted to translate his posts for his english readers. Why not ? That's not something I invented or anything like that so I just said "ok" which is a pretty normal reaction.
But he put the translation in an other page. I thought it was a really good idea (since I kinda had the same sometime ago) and decided to give it a shot too.
And that's what I did. Now there's a blog called Beam Sabre Beat ZERO (FR). I won't translate the previous posts but starting today all the translations will be there. I'll put the link in the end of the main post (which will be on THIS blog) when I decide it's important for me to translate it. Pretty simple, right ? [ PS : Sorry to "steal"/"copy" your "concept" chako >:3 You hit the first !]
But there's more. I decided to put a new gadget called "my characters". It's not something very original, it's like Sweatdrop's Zoints or other random World of Warcraft related blog. So I decided to put my current MMO characters (Pangya(s), World of Warcraft, Street Gears, Trickster...) in it.
I'm not sure but it's possible that I won't say things like "I won this or that on scratch card/gacha !" or maybe not as offten as before since you just have to check how my character look like to know if I own the current set for my favorite character (which is Lucia -I think you already know that-). Just a thought.
Maybe I will also change the banner. Do you like my current one ? I personally do, so I'm not sure I should change.
Anyway, that's all folks. Oh, I forgot something ! COMMENTS ARE DISABLED ON THE FRENCH VERSION OF THE BLOG. If you have something to say, you can write it here in french or english, it's not a problem. I want the other blog to be only translations, and nothing else.
See you.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Lucia's SSAF GET (+ some waiters...)
I was near of DYING on my chair since I wasn't as lucky as the other time...this time, I spend 40$ (28€) to get 11 tickets (+ somes bonus tickets ofc). My only goal ? Lucia's SSAF. I don't like those "waiters/waitresses" least not enough to try to spend money on it. So it was a ratio of 1/6 of luck to get the good rare.
After some tries, I won Kaz. I don't own Kaz and excepted the glasses I don't like this set in fact. Geez... (and don't even like Kaz btw)
Then I won Ken (Nuri). I don't like Ken. But...I love this set. Glasses makes him looking handsome. At least I own this character since I put the truth when I registered : I'm a boy. Ah, ah. was my very last ticket and I was desperate because I didn't want to put more money in it...BUT IT HAPPENS.
She's so sexy in it...and have so much SPIN ! I was having 12 spin with this set. So I simply took back my Bloody Slaves Clubset wich have a crappy spin and I got my lovely 9 spin again. Sweet.
Anyway. I'm now having both the wedding dress and the ssaf of my favorite character. What should I say ? I'm happy.
After some tries, I won Kaz. I don't own Kaz and excepted the glasses I don't like this set in fact. Geez... (and don't even like Kaz btw)
Then I won Ken (Nuri). I don't like Ken. But...I love this set. Glasses makes him looking handsome. At least I own this character since I put the truth when I registered : I'm a boy. Ah, ah. was my very last ticket and I was desperate because I didn't want to put more money in it...BUT IT HAPPENS.
She's so sexy in it...and have so much SPIN ! I was having 12 spin with this set. So I simply took back my Bloody Slaves Clubset wich have a crappy spin and I got my lovely 9 spin again. Sweet.
Anyway. I'm now having both the wedding dress and the ssaf of my favorite character. What should I say ? I'm happy.
MAJOR Pangya US Update !
It's rare enough to talk about it when they do an update ! And it's not a small one ! It's a HUGE one !!!
• Papel Shop Update :
Feathers's gone ! Now we can win...CHEEKS AND SPECS. GO PLAY GO PLAY.
Cheeks are awesome and specs are usefull and very rare. Play until you'll have everything you want but play or you'll regret it later !
• Cash Shop is back :
Cookies are gone too for "pts" which are simply "ntreev points" all the old items are back but they also get an exclusivity (as for now...) which are so beautifull clubs :
The Air Knight Utility Set is an us exclusivity for now. Reminds me the Air Knight 3 and stats are pretty decent too. I'm thinking of getting it.
• Island Tour Event :
It's quite less awesome for me since we already get this event on goa only sometime ago but...oh well. Why not ?
• Little gifts :
• Pang Reset :
I saw this coming so I spend all my pangs as you can see on the previous screenshots.
All accounts with more than 100k pangs will get reduced at 100k pangs. 100k pangs or less accounts are not affected.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
ポケットモンスター ハートゴールド』 and ポケットモンスター ソウルシルバー <3<3<3
Well I am not a HUGE fan of the whole serie but it's a game which was very important in my childhood. Pokémon Gold/Silver/Crystal were the best game of the whole serie in my opinion and I just hated the latest (Pearl/Diamond/Platine). Too slow, too many pokemons to remember, not original, not word : boring.
Pokémon is the perfect "kill time when you're not home" so I was disapointed to don't like their latest game. ANYWAY, to read the news that Gold/Silver got a remake is so awesome ! Looking at the screenshots, it will be the same graphic style as D/P. Sad to notice that, since that means the game will surely be as slow... Anyway, I ABSOLUTELY need to tell it to my bro'. He loves Gold/Silver even more than me and many of you... Hey, maybe I shouldn't tell him ? It could be a birthday gift or something. Hum. I got and idea there.
Hey, by the way, to speak of another subject which is more classical : Japan Pangya will get Waiters/Waitresses for 5 characters (excluding Lucia) + Lucia SSAF. I don't care of the "main" set since I just love Lucia and only Lucia but the SSAF...<3 I'm in love. No matter how much it will cost me I'll get it ! Expect some screenshots soon~
Pokémon is the perfect "kill time when you're not home" so I was disapointed to don't like their latest game. ANYWAY, to read the news that Gold/Silver got a remake is so awesome ! Looking at the screenshots, it will be the same graphic style as D/P. Sad to notice that, since that means the game will surely be as slow... Anyway, I ABSOLUTELY need to tell it to my bro'. He loves Gold/Silver even more than me and many of you... Hey, maybe I shouldn't tell him ? It could be a birthday gift or something. Hum. I got and idea there.
Hey, by the way, to speak of another subject which is more classical : Japan Pangya will get Waiters/Waitresses for 5 characters (excluding Lucia) + Lucia SSAF. I don't care of the "main" set since I just love Lucia and only Lucia but the SSAF...<3 I'm in love. No matter how much it will cost me I'll get it ! Expect some screenshots soon~
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Trying out Dungeon Party~ + Random BD news
Nothing else to say ! 'gonna try that with my bro' during my Pangya break. Some review coming if the game is fine.
Anyway for my birthday I (finally) got an mp3 which is the famous Ipod nano. So cool~ Will can hear Starlight, Zero Fill Love or Heart Station everywhere I want !
Also, it's not for my birthday but I have a new phone with a new contract which allow me to have...UNLIMITED SMS ALL THE TIME. My dream. *sob*~
My portable is quite fashion but not as much as the Iphone or something since it's the LG KS360. The full AZERTY keyboard is so gorgeous. When I saw my brother's wife with a phone like that I was like "HEEEE, It's so perfect to write sms !" (since I never call anyone but write a lot of sms). I didn't do it express but it's the exactly same as her excepted that mine is red and hers is blue.
Oh I didn't provide any picture, it's like that. I love love love love love love it ! It's just the PERFECT phone for me ! I put Zero Fill Love (Instrumental) as the sms ringtone and smooooch・∀・ as the call one. My previous phone was still fine so I gave it to my mother. I'm such a good boy (lmao ? Why the hell do I say that ?)
This is the (birth)day
Today is my birthday~ Wish me all an "happy birthday"~
Joke. Truth is : life goes so fast...I'm kinda scared. I feel like I was 12 years old two minutes ago and now I'm 17.
I can't say "I'm feeling old" since 17 is STILL young but maybe in 5 minutes I will be 40 ? I feel it like that.
PS : You still can wish it (ah ah~) but I just wanted to say that I won't be disapointed if nobody tell it since I'm not feeling well to celebrate my birthday this year.
EDIT : Anyway, 17 years old the 17 May. It happens only one time in a life.
Joke. Truth is : life goes so fast...I'm kinda scared. I feel like I was 12 years old two minutes ago and now I'm 17.
I can't say "I'm feeling old" since 17 is STILL young but maybe in 5 minutes I will be 40 ? I feel it like that.
PS : You still can wish it (ah ah~) but I just wanted to say that I won't be disapointed if nobody tell it since I'm not feeling well to celebrate my birthday this year.
EDIT : Anyway, 17 years old the 17 May. It happens only one time in a life.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Taking a Pangya Break
(Nice Tomzecat's Cecilia's legs right ? Motion item demonstration in coming anyway~)
That's right. I'm simply SICK of Pangya these days.
Goa : What the hell is going on on the french forum ? They have stupid rules about calcul that's right. But at least, why don't they want players to respect these ? They say they do but that's just so wrong. Today, someone put wind angles on his screen and recorded himself playing. When a friend said he was cheating (according to Goa's rules !) he wasn't even punished...
What the hell ? Some months ago someone did the same under another GM direction and got instant banned...Goa is just so wrong. They need some justice.
Also, I don't really care about the whole cheat/hack drama but it's just that Goa goes wrong. Unfortunatly the last updtate didn't change my mind. They said last week that the hanbisoft's contract end will help them providing better updates it REALLY a better update ? Nothing for my Hana since 6 weeks. Too bad. Leaving Goa now.
Pangya US : That's fun because you can't say they do things bad because they...just don't do anything AT ALL for weeks ! Just banning, banning, banning...Stop that's just too sad for me since I want a game where everyone ? And have fun. It's hard to feel that with Pangya...
At least I think they are preparing the coming of the 4th season. That's why I don't blame them but I'm still bored with this version since I have nothing to do when I'm logg. Just bought & boosted my Arin since I was having her magical girl dress and left the game after some games...
Japan : Well IMO, this server is as awesome as always so I will maybe keep playing it time to time especially if they organize nice events like crystal hunts, self design, etc... I'm just bored with occidental serveurs...looks like they don't try to be faster, to reach the "oriental's goal". That just making me sad since I want to play with my friends but oh well...
That's why I will simply less play until a very good news like an american pangya season 4 or the cookie loterie system in Goa...
I will maybe speak a little bit more about gaming console then~ *should buy Persona 4*
That's right. I'm simply SICK of Pangya these days.
Goa : What the hell is going on on the french forum ? They have stupid rules about calcul that's right. But at least, why don't they want players to respect these ? They say they do but that's just so wrong. Today, someone put wind angles on his screen and recorded himself playing. When a friend said he was cheating (according to Goa's rules !) he wasn't even punished...
What the hell ? Some months ago someone did the same under another GM direction and got instant banned...Goa is just so wrong. They need some justice.
Also, I don't really care about the whole cheat/hack drama but it's just that Goa goes wrong. Unfortunatly the last updtate didn't change my mind. They said last week that the hanbisoft's contract end will help them providing better updates it REALLY a better update ? Nothing for my Hana since 6 weeks. Too bad. Leaving Goa now.
Pangya US : That's fun because you can't say they do things bad because they...just don't do anything AT ALL for weeks ! Just banning, banning, banning...Stop that's just too sad for me since I want a game where everyone ? And have fun. It's hard to feel that with Pangya...
At least I think they are preparing the coming of the 4th season. That's why I don't blame them but I'm still bored with this version since I have nothing to do when I'm logg. Just bought & boosted my Arin since I was having her magical girl dress and left the game after some games...
Japan : Well IMO, this server is as awesome as always so I will maybe keep playing it time to time especially if they organize nice events like crystal hunts, self design, etc... I'm just bored with occidental serveurs...looks like they don't try to be faster, to reach the "oriental's goal". That just making me sad since I want to play with my friends but oh well...
That's why I will simply less play until a very good news like an american pangya season 4 or the cookie loterie system in Goa...
I will maybe speak a little bit more about gaming console then~ *should buy Persona 4*
- -
(Jolie les jambes de la Cecilia de Tomzecat hein ? La démonstration du motion item de cette dernière est en préparation.)
J'en ai juste ras le bol de Pangya ces derniers temps...
Goa : C'est quoi ce bordel sur les forums français ? Ils ont des stupides règles à propos du calcul, c'est vrai. Mais au moins, pourquoi ils les font pas respecter aux joueurs ? Ils disent qu'ils le font mais c'est juste trop, trop, trop...faux. Aujourd'hui, quelqu'un à mis une "rose des vents" (disons ça comme ça) sur la zone où on peux lire les vents et s'est enregistré en train de jouer. Quand un ami dit qu'il trichait (en accord avec les règles de Goa !) il n'a même pas été puni...
C'est quoi ce bordel ? Quelqu'un a fait la même chose il y a quelques mois alors qu'un autre GM était actif et a été instant ban...Goa est juste dans le faux...ils ont besoin d'une sérieuse meilleure justice.
En fait, je m'en fou de tout ce qui est hack/cheat mais je trouve juste que Goa fait les choses ... mal. Malheureusement la ernière màj n'a pas changé mon opinion. Ils ont dit la semaine dernière que la fin du contrat avec Hanbisoft va les aider a procurer de meilleure màjs...Est ce que c'est vraiment une meilleure update...?! Rien pour Anna depuis 6 semaines. Trop la bad, je me casse c'est bon quoi.
Pangya US : C'est marrant car on ne peux pas dire qu'ils font les choses mal étant donné qu' font strictement rien depuis des semaines ! Juste bannir, bannir, bannir...Arrêtez ça maintenant...C'est juste trop triste étant donné que je veux un jeu où les gens se contentent de...jouer ? Et s'amuser. C'est difficile de ressentir ça avec Pangya...
Au moins ils préparent l'arrivée de la 4ème saison. C'est pourquoi je leur en veux pas mais en revanche je ne sais pûrement et simplement pas quoi faire quand je suis logué. Je me suis contenté d'acheter et de booster ma Arin puisque j'ai son magical girl set, fais quelques parties et est simplement déconnecté...
Japan : Bon, IMO ce serveur est juste démentiel alors je vais sûrement y jouer de temps en temps si ils continuent de promouvoir des events géniaux comme des self design, une chasse aux crystaux,... Je me fais juste c**** sur les serveurs occidentaux...c'est comme si ils voulaient pas aller plus vite, n'essayaient aps d'atteindre le "cap oriental". Ca me rend simplement triste étant donné que je veux jouer avec mes amis mais bon...
C'est pourquoi je vais simplement moins jouer jusqu'à une excellente nouvelle telle que la saison 4 de Pangya US ou la loterie cookie sur Goa...
Je parlerais sans doute plus des jeux sur console du coup~ *doit acheter Persona 4*
J'en ai juste ras le bol de Pangya ces derniers temps...
Goa : C'est quoi ce bordel sur les forums français ? Ils ont des stupides règles à propos du calcul, c'est vrai. Mais au moins, pourquoi ils les font pas respecter aux joueurs ? Ils disent qu'ils le font mais c'est juste trop, trop, trop...faux. Aujourd'hui, quelqu'un à mis une "rose des vents" (disons ça comme ça) sur la zone où on peux lire les vents et s'est enregistré en train de jouer. Quand un ami dit qu'il trichait (en accord avec les règles de Goa !) il n'a même pas été puni...
C'est quoi ce bordel ? Quelqu'un a fait la même chose il y a quelques mois alors qu'un autre GM était actif et a été instant ban...Goa est juste dans le faux...ils ont besoin d'une sérieuse meilleure justice.
En fait, je m'en fou de tout ce qui est hack/cheat mais je trouve juste que Goa fait les choses ... mal. Malheureusement la ernière màj n'a pas changé mon opinion. Ils ont dit la semaine dernière que la fin du contrat avec Hanbisoft va les aider a procurer de meilleure màjs...Est ce que c'est vraiment une meilleure update...?! Rien pour Anna depuis 6 semaines. Trop la bad, je me casse c'est bon quoi.
Pangya US : C'est marrant car on ne peux pas dire qu'ils font les choses mal étant donné qu' font strictement rien depuis des semaines ! Juste bannir, bannir, bannir...Arrêtez ça maintenant...C'est juste trop triste étant donné que je veux un jeu où les gens se contentent de...jouer ? Et s'amuser. C'est difficile de ressentir ça avec Pangya...
Au moins ils préparent l'arrivée de la 4ème saison. C'est pourquoi je leur en veux pas mais en revanche je ne sais pûrement et simplement pas quoi faire quand je suis logué. Je me suis contenté d'acheter et de booster ma Arin puisque j'ai son magical girl set, fais quelques parties et est simplement déconnecté...
Japan : Bon, IMO ce serveur est juste démentiel alors je vais sûrement y jouer de temps en temps si ils continuent de promouvoir des events géniaux comme des self design, une chasse aux crystaux,... Je me fais juste c**** sur les serveurs occidentaux...c'est comme si ils voulaient pas aller plus vite, n'essayaient aps d'atteindre le "cap oriental". Ca me rend simplement triste étant donné que je veux jouer avec mes amis mais bon...
C'est pourquoi je vais simplement moins jouer jusqu'à une excellente nouvelle telle que la saison 4 de Pangya US ou la loterie cookie sur Goa...
Je parlerais sans doute plus des jeux sur console du coup~ *doit acheter Persona 4*
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Arin's angel wings~
(50th post yeah !)
Well, I just wanted to post my own Arin's motion item demonstration for the sake of the french players commu~ Well, "our" is better to say since the player is in fact my guild master Oli'. Click on the picture to go on the video on youtube in HD. And click here, if you want the sneakpeek screenshot in better quality. That's all folks !
PS : The same kind of video is coming for Cecilia since she gets her next friday and that a friend want to buy it.
Well, I just wanted to post my own Arin's motion item demonstration for the sake of the french players commu~ Well, "our" is better to say since the player is in fact my guild master Oli'. Click on the picture to go on the video on youtube in HD. And click here, if you want the sneakpeek screenshot in better quality. That's all folks !
PS : The same kind of video is coming for Cecilia since she gets her next friday and that a friend want to buy it.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Pangya JP : I'm so fucking lucky.
I'm so happy. I fought with my parents a whole month for a paiement method (since our family had some troubles, they don't have a lot of free time for what I ask) but it's done ! I finally have the Lucia's Idol Set in only...two tries ! Good day, good day !
Note : Gamepot sent me my birthday cake as you can see~ yummy~
EDIT !!!
Ok, that's official. I'm fucking lucky.....
Ok, that's official. I'm fucking lucky.....
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Working on his website design~
Just a little post to say that I'm working on my website these days so that's why I won't post anything special here until it's done. I won't tell about that its related but I think I don't steal the concept of any website which already exist (that's really important for me).
It won't be something big either at least for the moment. I won't even have my own domain name (I guess I'll use free instead). I heard domain names are very expensive so I want to see if my site will work fine way before I even think at buying one.
It will be called "Saiko no Stage". Some should see the point. See you.
PS : I ask for some design's feedback to some friends so I ask them to not give it to anyone else. Thank you~
It won't be something big either at least for the moment. I won't even have my own domain name (I guess I'll use free instead). I heard domain names are very expensive so I want to see if my site will work fine way before I even think at buying one.
It will be called "Saiko no Stage". Some should see the point. See you.
PS : I ask for some design's feedback to some friends so I ask them to not give it to anyone else. Thank you~
- -
Juste un petit billet pour vous dire que je bosse sur le design de mon site ces jours-ci c'est pourquoi je ne vais rien poster de particulier ici jusqu'à ce qu'il soit lancé. Je ne dirais pas de quoi il parle mais je ne crois pas voler le concept d'un site qui existe déjà (c'est quelque chose de très important pour moi).
Ca ne va pas être quelque chose de gigantesque du moins pour le moment. J'ai même pas mon propre nom de domaine (Je vais sûrement utiliser free à la place). J'ai entendu dire que les noms de domaines sont vraiment très chers alors je veux voir si mon site marchera avant de simplement réfléchir à en acheter un.
Il s'apellera "Saiko no Stage". Certains devraient voir où je veux en venir.
PS : J'ai demandé l'avis sur le design à quelques potes donc je les prie de pas le faire tourner, merci~
Ca ne va pas être quelque chose de gigantesque du moins pour le moment. J'ai même pas mon propre nom de domaine (Je vais sûrement utiliser free à la place). J'ai entendu dire que les noms de domaines sont vraiment très chers alors je veux voir si mon site marchera avant de simplement réfléchir à en acheter un.
Il s'apellera "Saiko no Stage". Certains devraient voir où je veux en venir.
PS : J'ai demandé l'avis sur le design à quelques potes donc je les prie de pas le faire tourner, merci~
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Pangya US Season 4 Delight ?
To make the things clear : I heard about that on かわいいじゃなきゃダメなの!.
But after some reflexions and a good night I decided to talk about that on my blog too (one day, one post...I'm working hard on my blog these days...) since it's better if we all talk about that, even my little-little-blog-that-nobody-read to make the buzz bigger.
Speaking of the devil, the other day I was talking to a Pangya EU buddy in-game when a girl came and told me "congratz". I was like "? o_O" then she said "for all annas rare" and I said "How do you know about that ? o_o" and she finally answered "on your webpage.". Wow...I'm quite surprised to see that people I don't especially know read my blog. I don't even do a lot of advertising (except being on some blogrolls). I should thank everyone who add me on their blogroll because it's paying...! But it's also a little bit scary since I think I can't say insanity here if people I don't know read it ah ah... Anyway I didn't aim that, I just wanted somewhere to share my opinion even if nobody read it but it still make me happy~ Thank you all~
(I suppose that writing it in english even if it is not great helps)
WELL !! I just wanted to say that in the same time but I was supposed to talk about the title which is "Pangya US Season 4 Delight ?". Rumors are very evil...maybe moar than Devil Erika °W°~
So this time it's :
NTreev US will release the fourth season of Pangya before the summer !
Please keep in mind that it's only rumors ! Don't be disapointed if it's not the case since NTreev US already do a great job ! What I say is only my opinion.
Anyway someone gave an accurate date for it on Hinano's blog. 14th May ? It's in two weeks...I'm not sure they can do it though...
But it would make sense if they do that because they didn't do anything on their game yet. I mean we don't even have the cash shop...not that I would be very happy to spend a lot of money on another serveur again (Japan took away a lot of my money already~) but it's quite strange because they actually don't win a single dollar with Pangya. Plus, NTreev USA is known for being very fast with game releases. Why do I say that ? When they bought Trickster to another compagnie they released things REALLY FAST for months and they are now to the same point than Japan. I know that from Zangetsuna if I remember well...
In any case that means that there is a point behind Pangya US no release. And Pangya Season 4 Delight could be it. And I hear you coming "We miss a lot of things from season 3 yet ! it's impossible !" ...yeaah ? Like what ?
Max's motorbike ?
Scratch Card ?
I didn't think a lot about it but it's the only things which came to my mind. For Max's motorbike they totally can release it during Season 4 or even before. For Scratch Card missing I agree that it's a problem but...
Hey, you know that Japan and Korea are so boring with Lucia old rares releases ? ...Yeah I kinda change the subject but not that much. Personally the worst point to Pangya Season 4 Delight are scratch cards/gacha...Nobody is complaining but...I do ah ah. I have a set and along with it a old rare for Lucia...that means that if you are a true fan of Lucia like me you have to play to every scratch card even if the other sets are ugly...I mean...Japan did a great job putting Lucia's elfen ears with gipsy set since those set are just UGLY and I nobody would pay for it IMO~
Honestly, If we can dodge a part of this with a soon release it would be great. Lucia will can have her wedding dress along with the others since this rare is missing. The same goes for her pyjama. And so on. I mean what the hell...Japan don't even have her pirate set yet...~
To go on with my opinion : Lucia is the best character from far and is the best content coming with Pangya Season 4 Delight, the rest is not that great...Cards are just a way to make you putting more money in the game and are not fun (some totally kill the game...-1 wind....), the new ppic system is fine but sometime actually you prefer the old one (especially with spikes), the PAD Room is buggy on Korea and Japan for me (I stuck in the wall every time and can't move my furnitures). Ghost mode is fine, really entertaining and instructive still, Self Design is fun, but don't think it will be that great. It's simply fun to see people with ... hardcore self designs ah ah...
You can also notice that cards are a great way for NTreev USA to make money in order (maybe) to repay the purchase of Pangya from OGP.
That's why I'm very concerned about Lucia's implantation and especially her rares. I don't want to miss all her rares and having Ntreev USA to say "We will catch them later" and we will never do it like Japan...
Well I think I changed a little the subjet in fact. Everything to say that a season 4 soon release is really possible and actually it would be a great idea. Not to mention that OGP had to renew their contract with NTreev with Pangya Season 4 Delight when they closed so it was already in the airs.
In any case I'm very excited to see how things will turn on~
It's a very long post with the two languages still...
Français :
Que les choses soient claires. J'ai entendu parler de ça sur かわいいじゃなきゃダメなの!. Mais après une belle réflexion et une bonne nuit j'ai décidé d'en parler sur mon blog aussi (une journée : un post. Je travaille dur sur mon blog en ce moment) puisque c'est mieux si on en parle tous, même mon petit-blog-que-personne-ne-lit pour amplifier le buzz.
Puisqu'on en parle, l'autre jour je parlais à un buddy de Pangya EU en PSQ quand une fille est passé et a dit "congratz". Sur le coup j'étais "? o_O" et elle ajouta "for all annas rare". Alors j'ai demandé "how do you know about that ? o_o" et me répondit "on your webpage" suis plutôt surpris de voir que des gens que je connais même pas lisent mon blog. Je ne fais même pas une tonne de pub (à part être sur quelques blogrolls). Je devrais remercier tout ceux qui m'ont ajouté dans leur blogroll parce que ça paye...! Mais c'est un peu flippant aussi parce que je ne peux pas pas ou plus dire des insanités si des gens que je connais pas les lisent...ah ah...
En tout cas, je n'avais pas prévu ça, je voulais juste un endroit où partager mon opinion même si personne le lit mais ça me fait quand même plaisir~ Merci à tous~
(Je suppose qu'écrire mes billets en anglais également aide)
BON !! Je voulais juste dire ça en même temps mais j'étais supposé parler du titre qui est "Pangya US Season 4 Delight ?". Les rumeurs sont vraiment démoniaques, peut être même plus que Devil Erika °W° ~
Alors cette fois c'est :
NTreev US va sortir la quatrième saison de Pangya avant l'été !
Je vous en supplie, gardez à l'esprit que tout ça n'est qu'une rumeur et NTreev US fait déjà du très bon boulot, tout ce que je fais ici c'est donner mon avis !
En tout cas, quelqu'un a donné une date précise de sorti sur le blog d'Hinano. 14 Mai ? C'est dans deux semaines...ça me semble un peu impossible pour eux de le faire aussi vite.
Mais ça serait sensé si ils faisaient ça car ils n'ont pas encore fait grand chose sur leur jeu. Je veux dire qu'ils n'ont même pas encore implanté le contenu payant...pas que je serais content de mettre de l'argent sur un autre serveur a nouveau (Japan m'en a pris un bon paquet déjà~) mais c'est plutôt étrange parce qu'ils gagnent actuellement aucun centime avec Pangya.
En plus de ça, NTreev USA est connu pour être très rapide avec ses releases. Pourquoi je dis ça ? Quand ils ont acheté Trickster à une autre compagnie ils ont fait des releases vraiment très rapidement et ont même finis par rattraper la version japonaise. Je sais ça de Zangetsuna si je me souviens bien.
Dans tous les cas ça veut dire qu'il y a une raison derrière l'absence de release de Pangya US. Et cette raison pourrait être Pangya Season 4 Delight. Et je vous entend venir : "C'est impossible, il nous manque trop de contenu de la Saison 3" ce à quoi je vous répond "Ah bon ?". Si on en fait la liste :
- La moto de Max.
- Des e-cards.
J'y ai pas beaucoup réfléchi mais ce sont les seules choses qui me viennent à l'esprit. Pour la moto ce n'est pas un problème, ils peuvent la sortir pendant la quatrième saison. Pour les e-cards j'avoue que c'est d'avantage problématique...
Hey, vous saviez que Pangya Korea et Pangya Japan sont vraiment lourds à sortir les vieux rares de Lucia ? ...Ouais j'ai un peu changer de sujet mais pas tant que ça.
Personellement le pire point à Pangya Season 4 sont les sorties du scratch card/gacha...personne s'en plaind si ah ah.
Je veux dire vous avez un set, et avec ce set un vieux rare de Lucia...ce qui signifie que si vous êtes un véritable fan de Lucia dans mon genre il vous faut jouer à tous les sets même si les autres objets sont horribles.
...Japan a fait un très bon boulot en mettant les oreilles d'elfe de Lucia avec les sets de bohémiennes puisque ces sets sont horribles et que personne aurait payé pour les avoir. IMO~
Honnetement, si on peux se passer de tout ce -excusez moi le terme- bordel au niveau des vieux rares de Lucia ce serait génial. Elle pourrait avoir sa robe de mariée en même temps que les autres étant donné qu'on a pas encore ce rare. Même chose pour son pyjama...etc...sérieux, c'est quoi ce bordel ? Japan n'a même pas son set de pirate~
Pour continuer avec mon avis : Lucia est le meilleur personnage de loin et est le meilleur contenu arrivant avec la quatrième saison, le reste n'est pas si génial...
Les cartes sont juste un moyen de vous faire mettre encore plus d'argent dans le jeu et ne sont pas amusantes (et certaines tuent carrément le jeu comme -1 de vent), le nouveau ppic system est bien mais quelques fois en fait on préfère l'ancien (spécialement avec les spikes), le PAD Room est buggué sur Japan & Korea en ce qui me concerne (je reste coincé dans le mur et je ne peux pas déplacer mes meubles), le mode fantôme est fun, vraiment distrayant et instructif, le self design est sympa mais ne pensez pas que ce sera géniallisime non plus, c'est simplement amusant de voir des gens avec des vêtements hardcores ah ah !
Je précise que les cartes sont une source de revenue potentielle non négligeable pour NTreev non plus qui doit (peut être ?) rembourser l'achat du jeu à OGP.
Bref c'est pour ça que je me sens très concerné à propos de l'implantation de Lucia et plus particulièrement ses rares. Je ne veux pas louper tous ses rares et avoir NTreev USA qui dira "On les rattrapera plus tard" et qui ne le feront jamais tout comme Japan...
Bon j'ai un peu changer de sujet en fait, tout ça pour dire qu'une release proche de la quatrième saison est tout a fait possible et en fait je pense que ce serait vraiment une bonne idée. Pas besoin de préciser que OGP devait renouveller leur contrat avec NTreev en achetant la quatrième saison de Pangya lorsqu'ils ont fermé alors c'était déjà dans les airs à cette époque en fait.
Dans tous les cas je suis vraiment surexcité de voir comment les choses vont tourner~
Ça fait un long billet avec les deux langues quand même...
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