Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Goa is like mmh...Pangya's hell ?

• Hackers
Please STOP saying there's a lot of hacking on Goa because this is WRONG. Oh my god but did you check how Ntreev have many hackers ? They closed the PSQ because prices were like hell !
Check Goa economy and see how the prices are very very very low. That's the best clue about the fact that there's no hackers on Goa and also one of the best advantage of Goa.
Economy is fine. The only thing you have trouble to get are specs but that seems rather rational.
• Scammers
The hell ?! Hey people. The ONLY thing I do on Goa is trading. I don't play anymore because I have no fun (and no people to play mostly) and guess what ? I didn't met any scammer.
So stop giving your item the first and everything will be fine. If you're still scared go check Goa's forums to find people to trade but...why do you STILL give your item the first ? It makes no sense !
• Perma Accounts bans
Recently, Goa banned players. Apparently because the players involved cheated. Honestly ? I trust Goa on this point. There is proofs that you used cheat's tools one day, even if it was like one year ago. You cheated one day = You get ban.
I don't think this is really fair to ban players now for things they did a very long time ago but I must say I'm happy that Goa finally do something about the whole "cheat" thing.
Interesting note for those who don't play on Goa : Playing with too much accuracy and calcul is forbidden. I can't say much because the limit is not clear for everyone...
Also, the players who got ban SPAMMED the forum everyday with new threads saying how Goa suck and stuff. I'm happy they got bored to do the same things everyday since it was very very annoying. I don't know if I have to trust them or not, that's not the topic.
• Temporary Accounts bans
Guess what ? In the same time they also temporary ban people who unfortunatly bought or sell things to hackers. Later on, they got unbanned without a LOT of pangs. Too bad for them even If can't help to laugh ah ah.
Stop selling overpriced items and I guess you'll be fine. As I already say, I only do trading on Goa and I didn't have any problems. Do things fine and you'll be okay.
• Spoilers
Spoilers ? Why do I speak about spoilers ? Well simply because people I won't mention absolutely want to show how much they know Pangya (interesting note : they are saying absolutely wrongs things in the same way) so they alwayyyyys show things available like in Season 4 ! Utility ? Making people sad, angry, or anything like that because Goa is slooooowwww.
Hey people, all of us already know how much Goa is slow. But if you always show how it could be elsewhere you won't make them going faster. The only thing you'll do is making people to go "elsewhere" or being angry against Goa. In other words, you'll create stress, tension...
Now that I am Amateur E on JPN I can say that my account there is mostly the same than Goa (except all my gacha rares, but I have my papel rares on Goa) do I spamm the forum with my account content ? No. Show a little more respect to other players please.
• Conclusion
I'm not saying that Goa is perfect. Actually I'm quite the first to criticize them. I'm just saying that things would be better if the atmosphere wasn't that unhealthy.
See you.
( >> French Version << )
Friday, June 26, 2009
SNSD - Tell Me Your Wish @ Music Bank
Well...it will be the last time I'll speak about SNSD during their Tell Me Your Wish promotion but since it's the first live I was really excited and I'm not disapointed at all...
They totally kill the stage and for a comeback to stage, the crowd seemed to share my opinion.
When I heard the song then saw the MV ( there ) I was pretty sure only 4 girls out of 9 were singing and the rest were doing the chorus.
But no. Every girls have their parts in live, it's just that the others 5 sing with a very little back up or at two.
Yuri even have her own solo (back up'ed still) and since she's my favorite I'm really satisfied. I'm also surprised by Sunny who seemed overated all the time even if she was really improving. Here, she have long lines without back up and is doing great (little problem of synch at the beginning though).
Great perf~
They totally kill the stage and for a comeback to stage, the crowd seemed to share my opinion.
When I heard the song then saw the MV ( there ) I was pretty sure only 4 girls out of 9 were singing and the rest were doing the chorus.
But no. Every girls have their parts in live, it's just that the others 5 sing with a very little back up or at two.
Yuri even have her own solo (back up'ed still) and since she's my favorite I'm really satisfied. I'm also surprised by Sunny who seemed overated all the time even if she was really improving. Here, she have long lines without back up and is doing great (little problem of synch at the beginning though).
Great perf~
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Reached Amateur E !

Click the thumbnail to see it bigger. The screen is in 1600 x 1200 for the occasion~ !
Champaign ! I did Senior D -> Amateur E on Japan within like 3-4 days. That was...intense.
Now I can focus on others things which are mmmh...more sociable ? More interesting ? I think you see what I mean.
What is sure is that I'm now taking a little break of Pangya since I played like hell for days. After that I'll surely focus on improving my records because they...suck.
My best is -26 on Blue Lagoon .....with my stuff and level I think I can do a far, far, better job and improving myself a lot. But I won't do that just now.
My next goal is IRL. I have no clue how we say that in english but...
I need to pass something called the "code" in a delay of 2 weeks or so, in order to be able to drive later (...? see what I mean ._. ? ). If can't do that I'll have to pay 85€ (~120$ USD) for another delay of 3 months and I really can't afford that right now !
But...I guess I can do that ! Learning all those signs and all the stuff about cars and all in only 2 weeks...honestly that makes me sick but this is something which must be done in a life ! Really !
Mainlless, fighting !
Time to have a proper life ! Ah, ah. I guess this is some kind of resolution.
Note : Reaching Amateur E is way more hard on Japan than Korea since they don't have time boosters and japanese people really take more their time during VS, calculating their shots and all...even when they are doing Deep Inferno spamm just in order to xp.

PS : I also have only 0,2% of quit rate so when I won't be that short in pangs (bought Lucia's devil tail for 250k pangs yesterday) I'll probably get Arin's angels wings since my Lucia already have her Fairy Wings.
Japan Update : Surprise Inside ?!

(click on the picture to access the official website)
Geez ?! That set is wonderfull. That's a big surprise.
Lucia + Vocaloid = Love.
Just yesterday I said that the tunas would be my only vocaloid expenditures but oh well...I just can't resist to 'Meiko'cia' charm.
However they said on the official website that she's "Seiko Meiko". It's Meiko in an idol version apparently (I didn't know that before). So I think that fits Lucia very much.
Honestly I hardly see the difference but her skirt is nicer.
Gotta buy that ASAP !!!
PS : They did an AWESOME remix of "Snowskape", theme of Northwiz on the official website too. Fun fact, they used the same sample than Zero Fill Love and apparently Super Music Maker.
That remix is purely awesome. That's my fav out of all. Can't stop listening to it.
Re-PS : I was planning to talk about the US update but when I saw the Japan's one I...
Awwwww... I'm sure you get it.
>> French Version <<
EDIT : In fact, I don't think I'll buy the set at all. I can't stand that hair color and the dress don't worth 195 CP. So I stay with my first opinion : I stuck with Megurine 'Lukarin' + Tuna. I prefer spending 200CP in cards instead.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Pangya X Vocaloid ? Never ends...

>> French Version <<
Little update for Japan this week. The banner say the word itself. But...
This week will be added Cecilia as Meiko and Kaz as Kaito in the Pangya X Vocaloid Event. As always, that will be available through the shop in cookie for a quite expensive price.
If you ask me I think this whole event is pushed a little bit too far...
Vocaloid's fans must be in the best dream ever though.

She's offten represented with a bottle of vine or something (correct me If I'm wrong) and seems to love drinking.
Don't dream too much, I don't think you'll get a "Pure Bottle of Vine Clubset" or anything like that, ah ah.
Anyway, the set is very detailed, especially the clothes with all the folds on the breasts etc...the hairstyle makes Cecilia ugly but is well done when we compare with Meiko.
That's sexy so, oh well, that just fits Cecilia.

But I must admit that it seems very nice. I love that blue hairstyle for him. And I think it's a must have for all Kaz's fan around here. Much like his Lelouch's haistyle from Code Geass Event, some time ago.
The outfits looks very poor in the other hand. Cecilia is much better even if she shows more skin. Paradoxal isn't it ?
Anyway, I like this colorful set. It changes Kaz a lot, and in the good side. Kaito's item is an ice cream if I remember corectly (I'm not very into Vocaloid).
- Conclusion -
In any case. Nothing to buy for me this week and I must say I'm HA-PPY. Oh my...the actual gacha took me a lot of money, I spend also a lot in cards as well...can't afford a lot of things anymore.
The Luka's set for Arin with the Natural Tuna Clubset is great. I'll stuck with it.
PS : Results of the Self Design Contest the 25th of June. I'm pretty sure the level will be very very high when we see the level in game ah ah !
>> French Version <<
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Hato true nature is not a bird...
>> French Version <<
Just wanted to do a little post since I finally got the natural tuna clubset from gacha with a lot of tries. When I'm at a point where I see I don't win anything anymore I usually give up but this time I really wanted this clubset so it took me a least 8 more tries. If not more.
Anyway I recorded that and put it in a rush on youtube to show my joy. Don't forget that it's available in real HD through youtube here.
Asakawa Yuu owned the place honestly.
>> French Version <<
Just wanted to do a little post since I finally got the natural tuna clubset from gacha with a lot of tries. When I'm at a point where I see I don't win anything anymore I usually give up but this time I really wanted this clubset so it took me a least 8 more tries. If not more.
Anyway I recorded that and put it in a rush on youtube to show my joy. Don't forget that it's available in real HD through youtube here.
Asakawa Yuu owned the place honestly.
>> French Version <<
Saturday, June 20, 2009
소녀시대 Tell Me Your Wish (Genie)

>> French Version <<
It's been a long since I last talked about my music's tastes but I just found that this afternoon :
>> Girls Generation (SNSD) - Tell Me Your Wish (Genie) MV Teaser <<
I also read that their official come back is the 25th. I'm a long time fan of SNSD (since Into the new world first debut). They bring me into the whole K-Pop thing so I like them a lot for that.
Anyway, Tell Me Your Wish, seems very electro to me. I hope it's not the whole song like that since electro songs always sound bad in live (or are lyp synched/back up'ed) but appart of it that seems nice.
Their style passed from cute to sexy and I must admit I really like them that way. Even if I hardly recognize some of them (who is Yuri ?).
Waiting for some lives now~
And I love their sailor's outtfits. Sexy.
>> French Version <<
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Japan Pangya Update 05/16/09 + EDIT with different things

Looks like I was totally right here. *personal satisfaction*
Japan Pangya will release two clubsets this week :
Natural Tuna Clubset :
Give voices to Arin. But not Ayako Kawasumi. Why ? Because tuna is Megurine Luka's favorite item. That means that it's part to the Pangya X Vocaloid event.
In other words, if you play Arin with this clubset you'll get voices by Asakawa Yuu, the seiyuu who gave a sample of her voice to Luka.
Awesome isn't it ? A must have for all Arin's fans but the others too !
(Because playing with tunas is...kinda awesome !)
Of course, available through Gacha along with waiters' sets.

Tuna Farming Clubset
This clubset will obviously be a nerf of the previous clubset as all the vocal clubsets. Surely will be available through the shop for a low price with 11 control and with other colors.
If you want to know what type of voice Yuu have just check wikipedia or something or hear some songs of Megurine Luka.
Anyway this clubset will be mine. I always dreamed of vocal clubset and I love this "tuna concept", also I just bought some gacha tickets so that's absolutely perfect.


(looks like Arin is having problems, Lucia is like "no way...", Daisuke like "what a silly girl" and Max "I'm gonna help her".)
Anyway, waiters sets for Arin and Lucia + Max and Daisuke in gacha.
That's kinda unfair since Korea got the waitresses (so for the girls) in the shop for ever but...
Recall : Waiters' Sets are available along with Natural Tuna Clubset !
Anyway I neeeeed Lucia's waitress since it's like *hum* personal fantasm I assume...? Could be nice to get Arin's one too but don't really care.

Along with "chance of rain" increasing event, you now have pangs x2 for one week. Sweet. I'm gonna do some pangs even if I don't really need it.
(I would prefere a double experience event honestly but that's better than nothing)
*take a look at Goa*
So far I won 3 sets within 5 tries. That's reaaaallyyyyyy decent.
Unfortunatly I didn't get the natural tuna clubset...but since I got 3 sets for a very decent price I'll maybe try that again very soon.
I won Daisuke, Arin and...Lucia~ !
That's enough for me for the moment~!

"Mainlless-Sama, do you want some tea ?" -> yes please ;_;
Also, for those who want to hear Luka's voices.

Actually some sentences are very fun like the double bogey's laugh.
I just need this clubset.
( >> French Version << )
Tuna Clubset in coming ? Pangya X Vocaloid 2nd

Look what I just found...
Picture released by Japan Pangya's GM.
I was thinking about the fact they could give to Megurine "Lukarin" a clubset like Hatsune "Mikooh" have her negi clubset. Luka's item is a tuna (related to one of her name's kanji if I remember well...) so it would make sense.
When I find this picture I was like "Hey I was right !". Since it look like a "panya!" logo with a fish (tuna ? I'm bad with fishes' names...) and a wave.
Recall : Negi clubset give to Kooh a lot of voices. Can we expect the same for Arin ? Go Ayako !!
Of course we can't be sure yet, this is only pure speculations.
We'll now maybe tonight, with Gamepot's newsletter. Strange thing, it's time for a gacha update ? I see this coming : waiter set 2 + tuna clubset which could explain the difference with Korea.
See you very soon.
Monday, June 15, 2009
What the fuck cards ?!

The only thing I want now is Titan. T-I-T-A-N.
Stop giving me the rarest cards of the game...
EDIT : I got bashed because I said it sucks when in the same time I have both Kadye (***) and SC (****). How should I put that ? I don't care. Since the very beginning I play for this stupid card Titan and I don't get it. That sucks. Point.
Monday, June 8, 2009
(faq) Japan Pangya Voices Files

(I love my banner, Arin is very pretty on that one)
This post is only a translation of my very old work here. But as you can obviously see it's in french (yah, I'm french, didn't you know that ?). I just wanted to share this, one more time and maybe add some corrections.
Index :
I - First Voices' release
II - Pangya X Vocaloid Event
III - Voices rerelease
IV - Voices 3rd event
V - Voice Actors
I - First Voices' release
(Miracle Voice and Magical Voice)
Pangya's voices were first introduced with the Tecmo game Swing Golf PangYa 2nd Shot!!. In this game, the content was middle-season 3. Characters were speaking when hitting the ball, doing an OB, finishing the hole or the game, etc...
Japan Pangya, in order to celebrate the game's release, released a new gacha rare called the Miracle Voice Clubset. Of course, the main utility of this clubset was to provide to each character a voice. They released an other clubset called Magical Voice Clubset which provided worst stats and less voices but was available for a very good price directly in the shop.
About the design, they are both recolored version of other clubset. The pangya logo is also different. It's blue and very...nice ? Picture available here.
ミラクルボイスクラブセット (Miracle Voice)

Power 8+5
Control 8+4
Accuracy 6+6
Curve 2+1
Spin 3+2
This version is only available though cookie loterie and provided full voices and decent stats. The design is the same than the Twin Feather Clubset but with pinker colors.
Note : Was available along with cat sets.
マジカルボイスクラブセット (Magical Voice)

Power 7+3
Control 7+4
Accuracy 5+5
Curve 2+2
Spin 1+1
Price : 64CP
The character simply yells "Pangya" with his own voice. Stats doesn't even provide the full 12 of control. But the price is really low. The design is the same than the Air Knight I Clubset but with pinker colors.
Note : Those clubs got released during Season 3. That means without Lucia.
They did a pool about her seiyuu. The winner was Mizuki Nana, Aya Hirano was second and Yukana third. Don't ask me why but they picked Yukana (seiyuus' disponibilities I assume).
Her voice finally got released during the 4th anniversary event of Japan Pangya along with Magical Voice re-release.
II - Pangya X Vocaloid Event
Later on they did the first famous Pangya X Vocaloid event. Between all the releases they bring to the gacha an other clubset providing voices. But this time, only for Kooh.
Why ? Because this clubset is the leek of the famous japanese virtual idol Hatsune Miku. And Kooh got a costume of her.
The voices are the ones of Saki Fujita. Because she's the one who dubs Hatsune Miku.
Those voices are not the same than Miracle Voice Clubset. For exemple Kooh yells something when the ball enters the cup and Miracle Voice don't do that.
Later on, during the second year of event they released two new clubsets which look like Tuna and give voices to Arin only because she plays the role of Megurine Luka.
More information about PangYa X VOCALOID ? Check my own faq.
ネギクラブセット ("Negi")

Power 7+5
Control 7+5
Accuracy 7+6
Curve 3+3
Spin 1+1
This clubset is (of course) available for all the characters but gives voices only to Kooh. Good stats in curve and real lack of spin.
天然マグロクラブセット ("Natural Tuna")

Power 10+4
Control 6+6
Accuracy 3+5
Curve 1+2
Spin 3+3
This clubset is (of course) available for all the characters but gives voices only to Arin. Good power. The stats in Curve and Spin are Negi's opposite.
天然マグロクラブセット ("Farming Tuna")

Power 8+4
Control 5+6
Accuracy 2+4
Curve 1+2
Spin 2+2
Price : 80CP
Only 11 control as usual. Stats are very bad in general. The design is the same than the Natural Tuna Clubset but grey. Eyes are like "=_=" in the opposite of the natural tuna clubset which have its tuna's eyes like "*_*".
Of course, provide less voice than the other clubset.
III - Voices rerelease
(Chemical Voice and Exceed Voice)
Long time later they decided to release clubsets providing voices, again. You'll maybe start to think that it's a shame for those who were on Pangya for a very long time...
It seems that they thought the same thing since Exceed Voice don't provide the same voices in the same time and all the yells and sentences aren't the same.
For exemple, the character say something when the ball enter the cup (much like the "negi" clubset).
Like the Miracle Voice, the Exceed Voice got a worst version available in the shop for a very good price.
イクシードボイスクラブセット (Exceed Voice)

Power 9+6
Control 6+6
Accuracy 4+6
Curve 1+3
Spin 1+3
Available through cookie loterie (gacha). Exclusive design and voices. Stats are pretty good too. Note : Was available along with Lucia's pyjama.
ケミカルボイスクラブセット (Chemical Voice)

Power 6+5
Control 6+5
Accuracy 3+5
Curve 1+2
Spin 1+2
75 CP
Same thing than the Magical Voice. 11 control only and some voices only (still some more compared to them).
IV - Voices 3rd event
(Twinkle Voice and Lyrical Voice)
In 2010, new voice clubs were released with a whole new set of seiyuus for all the characters (except Nell who got the same seiyuu for all the clubsets since she got released after the Lyrical Voice Clubset).
Compared to the Exceed Voice, those make the character saying something when it performs a powershot.
リリカルボイスクラブ (Lyrical Voice)

Power 7+7
Control 6+6
Accuracy 6+5
Curve 1+4
Spin 0+3
Decent stats, the design however, is a repainted air knight. Give a complete set of voices for all the characters.
トゥインクルボイスクラブ (Chemical Voice)

Power 5+5
Control 7+4
Accuracy 5+3
Curve 2+2
Spin 2+1
78 CP
Same thing than the Magical Voice and Chemical Voice. 11 control only and some voices only.
V - Voice Actors
(Famous Seiyuus Roles)
Most of them are really famous and talented in Japan. I put some of their most famous roles.

Midorikawa Hikaru (Man)
Really famous seiyuu. A lot of people say that his speciality are the bishounen or mostly BL's characters. I don't think so. A lot of girls love him (I wish I could be a famous seiyuu so ...?).
Animes :
- Seto Kaiba (Yu-Gi-Oh)
- Yusuke Yoshino (Clannad)
- Li Xingke (Code Geass)
- Angemon (Digimon Frontier)
Video Games :
- Marth (Super Smash Bros Melee)
- Ramirez (Skies Of Arcadia)
- Firion (Dissidia -Final Fantasy-)
- Soma Cruz (Castlevania Aria/Dawn Of Sorrow)
- Akihiko Sanada (Shin Megami Tensei Persona 3)

Yukana Nogami (Woman)
Her voice is like...candy. I love her. Quite famous. She sings a little with a very quiet album called "Blooming Voices". Note : Lucia got C.C's costume so it's fun that she also have the same seiyuu as her.
Animes :
- C.C (Code Geass)
- Meiling Li (Card Captor Sakura)
- Teletha Tessa Testarossa (Full Metal Panic!)
- Reinforce 2 (Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha Strikers)
- Tear Grants (Tales of the Abyss)
- Yumie Asuza (Soul Eater)
- Germignon (Pokémon Mystery Dungeon)
Video Games :
- Tear Grants (Tales of the Abyss)
- Mjrn (Final Fantasy XII)

Rie Kugimiya (Woman)
One of the most famous seiyuu ever. Called the "tsundere queen" because she excels at.
Animes :
- Alphonse Elric (Full Metal Alchemist)
- Karin Kurosaki, Nemu Kurotsuchi et Lily (Bleach)
- Kouya Sakagami (Loveless)
- Belle (MÄR)
- Louise Françoise le Blanc de la Vallière (Zero no Tsukaima)
- Nena Trinity (Mobile Suit Gundam 00)
- Shana (Shakugan no Shana)
- Taiga (とらドラ!, Toradora!)
Video Games :
- Rise Kujikawa (Shin Megami Tensei Persona 4)
- Palom et Porom (Final Fantasy IV DS)
- Iori Minase (THE iDOLM@STER)
- Marta Lualdi (Tales Of Symphonia : Dawn of the New World)

Ayako Kawasumi (Woman)
A seiyuu and singer who is really skilled if you ask me because her roles are very different so she takes many different voices too.
Animes :
- Kaede Saito (Angelic Layer)
- Hikari (This Ugly Yet Beautifull World)
- Miharu Sena Kanaka (Girls Bravo)
- Saber (Fate Stay Night)
- Kaori Misaka (Kannon (2006))
- Emilia (Romeo x Juliet)
- Henrietta (Zero no Tsukaima)
Video Games :
- Atoli (.hack//G.U.)
- Kokoro (Dead or Alive)
- Mayu Amakura (Fatal Frame 2)
- Hinako Shijou (King of Fighter)
- Wonder Momo et Sabine (Namco x Capcom)
- Gwendolyne (Odin Sphere)
- Angie Thompson/Blackwell (Trauma Center : Second Opinion)
- Silmeria (Valkyrie Profile 2 : Silmeria)

Hitomi Nabatame (Woman)
Not really famous at all. Just fun to notice that Cecilia's clone : Marjorie Doe and her have both the same voice actress.
Animes :
- Hikari Tôdô (Special A)
- Mikoto Suô (School Rumble)
- Shizuma Hanazono (Strawberry Panic!)
- Marjorie Doe (Shakugan no Shana)
Video Games :
- Mitsuki Konishi et Raimu Bitô "Rhyme" (すばらしきこのせかい It's a wonderfull World)
- Mono (Shadow of the Colossus)

Megumi Matsumoto (Woman)
It was hard to find out his seiyuu. Maybe because she's not famous at all. Well, there ya go.
Animes :
- Kazuki Shibasaki (Rozen Maiden)
- Rin Tsuchimi enfant (Shuffle!)
- Kunikida (Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu)
Video Games :
- Yuki (Star Ocean EX)

Kana Ueda (Woman)
We can't say the same about Erika because she has a seiyuu who can't blush at all about her roles.
Animes :
- Ringo Seto (Angelic Layer)
- Rîn Tosaka (Fate/Stay Night)
- Herba (Final Fantasy : Unlimited)
- Yuiko Hawatari (Loveless)
- Hayate Yagami (Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha As'/Strikers)
Video Games :
- Yukimaru (Disgaea 2 : Cursed Memories)

Chafurin (Man)
Nothing special to say. I think his voice allows him to take only a little amount of roles.
Animes :
- Demegawa (Death Note)
- Chrono Trigger OVA (Nu)
- The Vision of Escaflowne (Mole Man)
Video Games :
- Cheng Sinzan (Fatal Fury)

Hiroki Takahashi (Man)
A LOT of roles but only a few really important.
Animes :
- Stephen Gevanni (Death Note)
- Arthur Trine (Gundam Seed Destiny)
- Hisoka (Hunter X Hunter)
- Shôji Endo (Nana)
- Eiju Kikumaru (Prince of Tennis)
- Kenji Harima (School Rumble)
- Dijimon Savers (Omnimon)
- Dijimon Tamers (Impmon)
- Superbia Squalo (Kattekyô Hitman Reborn!)
- Katsuya Jonouchi (Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters)
Video Games :
- Urmnaf "Uru" Bort Hyuga (Shadow Hearts et Shadow Hearts : Covenant)
- Ryu (Street Fighter)
Hatsune "Mikooh"
Saki FUJITA (Woman)
Famous for giving a sample of her voice to Miku.
Animes :
- Maid (Akahori Gedou Hour Rabuge)
- Kozue Kokubunji (SPEED GRAPHER)
- Hatsune Miku (Zoku Sayonara Zetsubô Sensei)
Video Games :
- Mina Yayoi (Tokimeki Memorial)
- Momoha Odori (Gakuen Utopia Manabi Straight!)
Other :
- Hatsune Miku (Crypton VOCALOID2)

Megurine "Lukarin"
Asakawa Yuu (Woman)
Famous for giving a sample of her voice to Luka.
Animes :
- Eiko (DearS)
- Fûka (Naruto Shippuden)
- Itoko Osakaba (School Rumble)
- Kaldina (Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles)
- Motoko Aoyama (Love Hina/Love Hina Again)
- Rider (Fate/Stay Night)
- Shinobu Miwa (RahXephon)
- Yuki Mitami (Hikaru no Go)
Video games :
- Lisa (Lunar Knights)
- Mavi (Luminous Arc)
- Nel Zelpher (Star Ocean : Till the end of time)
- Rolf (Fire Emblem : Radiant Dawn)
- Rondo (Eternal Sonata)
- Shalua (Dirge of Cerberus Final Fantasy VII)
Other :
- Megurine Luka (Crypton VOCALOID2)
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Some news
An in-game friend gifted me Megurine "Lukarin", how nice ! ~本当にありがとうございます~

I wasn't sure if I should buy it or not because of his price but I would regret it later like the Code Geass event so...it's a good thing someone gifted it to me.
Cards are still the same shit as always. Did 10 draws and get only (*)s except Arin (***) which is pretty useless. Cards hate me. Why oh why do I still play ? Could it be...addiction ?
I still play on Goa sometimes because of my video and my advanced account and managed to get Anna's Gas Mask in no time because I was having an useless rare (Arin papel shop hairstyle) for a very long time which just wanted to be traded if you ask me.

That's totally ugly but whatever. My Anna rare collection is complete again.
Anyway I'm fed up with online gaming these days. Fed up with the life too but that's an other subject. I want a nice video game for my ps2/Wii and speak of something other than Pangya on this blog.
Maybe I'll give a try to Odin Sphere If I manage to get the game. We'll see. I pretty much like Vanilla Ware job.

I wasn't sure if I should buy it or not because of his price but I would regret it later like the Code Geass event so...it's a good thing someone gifted it to me.
Cards are still the same shit as always. Did 10 draws and get only (*)s except Arin (***) which is pretty useless. Cards hate me. Why oh why do I still play ? Could it be...addiction ?
I still play on Goa sometimes because of my video and my advanced account and managed to get Anna's Gas Mask in no time because I was having an useless rare (Arin papel shop hairstyle) for a very long time which just wanted to be traded if you ask me.

That's totally ugly but whatever. My Anna rare collection is complete again.
Anyway I'm fed up with online gaming these days. Fed up with the life too but that's an other subject. I want a nice video game for my ps2/Wii and speak of something other than Pangya on this blog.
Maybe I'll give a try to Odin Sphere If I manage to get the game. We'll see. I pretty much like Vanilla Ware job.
Friday, June 5, 2009
my "cute ★ star" teaser~
It's been a while but I didn't forget this project~ Just a little video to say that I still have it in my mind. Oh and please, watch it directly on HD through Youtube.
By the way I'm not sure I will use anemoi as my video's music. I do love this track but it was only for the trailer so I just don't know.
I'll do my best to create a nice video around my Goa's "Anna" !
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Pangya X Vocaloid ~Megurine Luka~ OWNZ !

Pangya (Japan) X Vocaloid 2 ~Megurine Luka~ is now launched and just like the first one...it's really awesome. Maybe a little less bigger but that's just the beginning it seems.
• "Zero Fill Love (Instrumental)" Main Screen BGM turned into "nowhere" sang by Megurine Luka.

The song is really awesome and very catchy. Can't stop listening to it. Thanks to my friend Dri there ya go :
nowhere - Megurine Luka (128 kbps)
• Free Tako Luka hat for the character you want.

For one game played you win 1 TP. With 50 TP. You can get a free Tako Luka. That means that if you want every Tako Luka hats you need to play 400 games within a month. That's kinda hard or impossible for normal people. That's why you can also buy it for 29 CP.
As for me I'll maybe get some - I'd like to get every hats because I do love (Tako) Megurine Luka or more simply like Vocaloid (not an hardcore fan though, just like it) but well...400 games ? That's a lot of deep inferno. I'll maybe be Semi Pro E in no time that way ah ah
• Megurine Luka Set for Arin available for 160 cookies.

That's pretty expensive if you ask me but it's also very nice. Especially, as always for that kind of event, the hairstyle because you can combinate it with plenty of other outffits. That's the best part imo so just buy the hairstyle if you're short of cookies (I'll maybe do that...).

Monday, June 1, 2009
パンヤ - Cards' rates

I'm fine thank you. I spend 40$ to not get any good card today but oh well, I already have the rarest card of the game so I suppose I can't complain.
Anyway, since I took a screenshots of every cards I won I put those screenshots together in a video in order to give you an idea about (japan ?) pangya's cards rates. Click here to access it.
Please don't mind the SC I won. It's really SUPER SUPER Rare especially in 9 tries (o yea, btw I won the cards on the video in the order of the video).
Today I was thinking about spending some of my birthday's money gifts and decided to try to win the titan card which gives you -1 wind all the time. Pretty awesome If you ask me.
As you can see in the video I didn't won any good card today. The best one ? Probably ビリーのかばん ☆☆☆ since it allows you to carry one more item. But it's only for 2 hour or so...
Anyway, thanks to me, I hope you'll think twice about spending money in this system. Some cards are awesome but the rates are...well I suggest you to go pray in your temple and be nice with your family in order to grow your karma.......then play.
PS : On youtube you need to have the anotations available yo really enjoy the video~
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