Friday, August 28, 2009

I'm moving

(Click on the picture to access it)

Sooner that expected right ? I'm moving to Vox. See the post there for more informations.
I have to say here that sadly you won't be able to post a single comment without registering -_- ! Stupid Vox. Seriously. I won't blame you if you don't register XD; that's so fucking stupid I can't even believe it XDDD

Anyway, I let the comments here available and this blog will never be destroyed. I won't transfer any of the work on Dj, put it back on either so I let everything available here.

See you there if you want.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Very last message & Notes

All the materials here still belong to Mainlless. Stolen work will never please me.

Top visitors 08/24/09 :
1 - France
2 - Thailand
3 - United States

Favourite Subjects :
- Pangya X Vocaloid
- SNSD (Goodbye Stages)
- Pangya Voices
- Motion Item Lucia

Comments are disabled from now on

Old stuff still available

Total posts : 102.

Contacting Me ?
- Twitter : Mainlless
- Mail : petit_moony[at]
- Pangya EU : mouny
- Pangya US : (e35)
- Pangya KR : 가슴벅차터져버려
- Pangya JP : -
- Super Smash Bros Brawl : 777

I'll give the link of my new blog when it will be open~ (if it opens one day)

Sunday, August 23, 2009

BsbZ : closed (seeya later)

Not for ever but for some time at least.

Why ? Well, I think that many of you noticed that I turned way too emo recently and my posts were going like ... nowhere. Always complaining and stuff.

I don't plan to talk any longer now : I'll be back with something better. Things which are going wrong with this blog :
- Posts are to close with each others.
- My gadgets aren't clear enough.
- I'm sick with this grey design.
- I'm always complaining instead of providing good stuff recently.

I'll work on a new design (don't excpect too much though) and I'll think about a new fresh concept for this blog (or maybe I won't change anything lol, just need to think about it).

That's all folks :) ! BsbZ will be back to rulz the world...later !
If I can't then I won't come back at all XD

PS : If any of the other bloggers want to erase my blog of their blogrolls, that's okay. It will eventually take me some time (two months ? I don't know yet) to put everything right.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Express Info : Eastern Valley in the come ?

It's a hot topic for me recently (thanks to Hinano for all the informations, once again, ).

It seems that Eastern Valley is for next week in Japan Pangya ! Eastern Valley ? Pangya's brand 16th new course introducing a very pretty and oriental style.

All we have now is a website/teaser and a lot of pictures but next week update will be delayed so there's no doubt we'll get it next week.

There's also no doubt I'll cover that (and will erase this post I'm writing right now) so stay tuned ^_^/

Also, since I did a post just for that. There's Japan Pangya's birthday set on November and they have a BIG project about that. I'll do a proper post later because there's a lot of things to say.

PS : I should really change my blog's model. Don't you think posts are too close to each other ? We don't really see the limit, it's driving my crazy !

EDIT : I suddenly changed my mind. I won't provide even a single screenshot about the new course :)
Ask me why in private if you want. To make things simple : so sick of hypocritical people, time to be selfish.

Re - Edit : A lot of people will probably do it anyway, and a lot of videos will appear through Nico Nico and Youtube.
The previous edit simply mean that I'm thinking of closing my blog. But I'll probably simply should think about its real concept. Maybe I should close it some times ? And coming back later...with a better design, a better concept... I wanna think about.

Faisons le point

Title means something like "let's do a briefing". Just want to talk a little about my blog's future.
Recently, it was all messed up in my life so my blog was messed up as well, plus hollidays' end is drawing near so I have to share my decisions.

My decision (which is mainly the one of my parents in fact LOL) is that I won't access my computer during the week, even on wednesday...
The previous years, I was supposed to access it only on wednesday but I was keeping it until monday morning, plus I usually simply keep it all week long when my parents were away.
Yeah, like a total drugged...

So. I already screwed up two years in a row. I'm safe now but I really thought it was the end of my studies last years since I was all unmotivated. Want explanations ?
Actually, the first year of 2nd, I did good, but my results in mathematics and physics were bad. My parents absolutely wanted for me to do a S section (for "Scientific") so I "did the same year twice" (don't know the word in english sorry). But I badly sucked especially at physics so ... now, this year, I go in Economic & Social (ES). I used to have good results in those subjets so I think I can come up with two good years in high school.

Note : for the lot of american people who read me, it's very different of your system I think, so don't try to compare, that won't work xD!

That's why I don't want to have my PC in week myself, because, hey, I know me. And when I have bad results, I start to spend time on PC because I start to be depressed and it's even worst because the time I pass on my computer it' time I don't spend to work the subjects I have trouble with. That's it.

Anyway that's probably boring for you to read my life all day long but I just wanted to give a proper explanations about some of the followings points :

Blog Update Only During Week Ends

Starting 7th September. Read above to understand better.

Japan Pangya Coverage

No change here, but I'll give you only during week ends. Sorry. But my posts will be better, thanks to someone who offered me some help.

Euro Pangya Coverage

These days, I feel like Goa is doing good. If it goes on like this, I'll cover them as well because it sounds somehow interesting.

K-Pop / SNSD Coverage

With their comeback set on November (said by YoonA on an interview). I'll cover them again because I had a lot of fun doing it during the 소원을 말해봐 wave~ !
소원을 말해봐~ (I'm genie for you boy!)

French Translation ?

Since I won't have much time to update my blog anymore I don't think I'll do it anyway. But I saw that people were interested so I still need to think about it.


Yes. I had a good idea recently to promote my blog (don't worry Zangy it has nothing to do with a contest on Goa xD) but I still have to work on it. I just can tell you that it will be very interesting and that prizes will be very very good~ ! Stay tuned.

BsbZ's end ?

No. But if I don't have time to update it I'll do it without hesitation. I don't know how strong ES is considering I'm a bad student.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Pangya JP newses

Ok. Recently I was like all-emo and it was probably boring. Let's try to think positive from now on, I probably just don't sleep enough.
(even though the "accident" this morning wasn't due of my lack of sleep anyway)

Pangya Boxes are no longer available. They were selled for 50cp each between 08/08 - 08/20.

Rares you eventually missed :
Mystic Ring, Fairy Wings, RPG Outfits, Bikini Set 1, Pijama Set, Umbrela Clubset, Negi Clubset, BIG Papel...

As expected, the second part of 2009 Gacha Swimsuits are here. Except Kooh, it's all fugly.
Anyway there's nothing for Lucia so I'll just pass lol.

The Biatch Duo. Kaz is especially ugly but somehow I like the hairstyle XD
It's not like if I ever played Kaz anyway.

I like Kooh. But Ken's one is just a recolo of the shop's one. That's pretty disapointing.

Side note : You can erase the veil of Kooh and Cecilia's ones through CADIE's chaudron (and not Kadye lol...). And turn Ken's one into a blue version. Not very exciting though.

Will provide some better pictures in the evening.

Ok, I'm sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry for all my readers since I was like totally sure it was mostly an offline event...
Turned like. Not at all.

Sorry, my japanese is so bad T.T And since I dropped it as my 3th Language at school this year I won't even progress. How sad. I'm very sorry.

Anyway, once you joined an army (depending on where you live in Japan), each week there's a war based on some challenges that everyone have to do in order to make their legion win.

This week, it was "make the most pangyas you can". I helped with my 89% p-rate and turned out we won. I was already aware of that since I told you I won stickers and stuff last week.

But this time, since we won the first place. The prize is...


Yes. ALL the members of the legion win this clubset. The GTF are known for their freaking awesome stats because it's the only Clubset of the game which provide a full 13 control.
The other stats are awesome too but the 13 control is really the best addition to me.

Other than that it's a pretty "normal" clubset with a normal pangya logo and no feather when you shot with but who care...? It gives 13 control ! The hell !

It's a big surprise to me (I was shaking like crazy this morning) since basically, it's a very rare clubset that only one person owned. If I remember well, it was the prize for PJC.

I don't get it. Now there's probably A LOT of GTF in game.
Thanks to all my buddy in the Musashi Army (Tokyo), if we have the GTF today, that's because of everyone who played Pangya last week. Thank you so much~ !

Anyway the second prize is the prince ring, which increase the experience in-game. It would be nice if we'll get the second place last week. But I don't really care now that I have the GTF.

Also, many thanks to Hinano who is fluent in japanese since I didn't REALLY get the event at all T.T And sorry again to all my readers ._.


Also, the 5th anniversary of Pangya JP is drawing near. It's in november. I don't plan to cover this right now for some reasons. But all I have to say is that it will be AWESOME.

From what I heard, eye colors, new course called Eastern Valley, caddie playable and MORE.
Hinano will cover this and it will be up this evening. Check it out !

THAT'Z CRAZY (Golden Twin Feather)

OMG. I shake too much to do a proper post right now ! Will do it later.
That's just crazy, crazy, mad, mad~ !

Youhou ! *jump everywhere*


I don't want to talk too much today again because I'm really really depressed (more than yesterday...) because of someone who hurt me badly this morning.

Just want to explain that basically, when our Legion (Musashi / Tokyo) won the last "war", all the members of the legion won the GTF (see above). I suppose a lot of GTF are now in game (for FREE) which is pretty awesome considering the stats are fucking awesome.

Sadly, it seems that some members didn't win this clubset. I actually have NO IDEA WHY (<- in uppercase because I had trouble with someone about that). My lack of skill in japanese is too big, I really don't know why.

That's all folks. I'm supposed to be happy but I'm not. Sad, sad, sad.

( They are added directly in your Clubset section, no gift. And they are full boost directly. It don't cost a single pang or cookie. Crazy right ?)

Sunday, August 16, 2009

I quit for a moment

Ok. I seriously need to take a break. Good thing my gf is back from Korea because I just feel like I'm gonna explodes if I stay on my PC playing Pangya, posting on forums or updating my blog all day long.

So for a week or so I don't think you'll see me in order to I don't recovery ? lol (is that even english ?). Hollidays are almost over and I'm practically more tired than before.

I'll sleep earlier and will wake up earlier too. I'll do sport and things like that. Taking care of myself.

I'll still be on msn for my friends don't worry. I like watching animes with them in the evennings. And will play Pangya JP/EU time to time too but alone only (don't try to message me, I won't answer).

I'm not depressed but it's preventive.

See you later guys.

PS : That means I won't provide JP Update next week. Will do it later.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

SNSD last goodbye stages

With their goodbye stages in Music Bank and Music Core I think we're done.

Music Bank ( Goodbye Stage )

( Youtube Link )

They performed a short version of Boyfriend from their album Genie. I prefer Girlfriend but oh well. It's nice to see them performing something else.
Also, it seems that the choreography was made in a rush. Unoriginal and they made mistakes :
@ 0:45 Yuri
@ 0:54 Sunny
But overall that was refreshing so let's not complain about those little things.

( Youtube Link )

And the classic Tell Me Your Wish. Something seem you odd ? Maybe that's because Tiffany is not here lol.
She's visiting her family in the us apparently.
Yuri, Taeyeon and Jessica took her parts.
That's a little bit odd considering there's still her voice in the ad lib ... It's like they sing with Tyffany's voice time to time. But wasn't it fun to hear Jessica's "DJ put it back on" ?
@1:46 there's Tyffany's voice in the background. It's like a ghost, I think it was creepy personaly XDDD
Finally I have to say Music Bank truly suck. Their soundsystem is sucky most of the time and what the hell happen to the camera man during Hyoyeon and Yuri's dancebreak ? It's like "I wanna film Yuri's boobz !!!". But I think he wanted to record the fireworks instead...Fail.
Overall, a chaotic but original perf~ !

Music Core ( Goodbye Stage )

( Youtube Link )

Tiffany and Yuri will still be MC for Music Core after SNSD goodbye stage~ Don't worry lol. That's the only thing I wanted to say.

( Youtube Link )

LOL ? Such a random performance of Etude (also from their album Genie). I let you simply watch XD Enjoyed it though~ !

and finally.

( Youtube Link )

...great performance.
My favourite outtfits plus good background (probably from Tiara performing S.E.S "dreams come true"). Also the crowd was crazy and I really enjoyed it !
Since it's the very last performance (or so I think) it's nice to see that nothing screwed it up ;_; !

Anyway that's the end now XD Such a long post.

They will come back with a brand new full album in some months and I'll restart spamming you with them. SM Enternament also stated that SNSD were preparing for oversea activities. Like China or Japan I suppose. Even though I think they are a very refreshing group with a concept that nobody use (or almost) I don't think that's a good idea since asian artists always screw everything they did by promoting in other countries but hey. Why not.

Anyway, can't wait for their comeback. I don't think I'll cover an other girl group (even if I like plenty of them), that's why I'll update my blog less offten. But that's not a problem since Summer is almost over and I'll don't have all the free time I had the past 3 months.

Also I think I posted a little too much in a very short time. I'm stating that since I didn't get any comment for any of my post recently lol. But I'm fine with it, it's not like if it is a skyblog or something.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Stats ?

Just noticed that I put the google stuff on my blog since more than a month. I thought it would be nice to share some interesting informations with you. On the other side, I won't give you proper numbers (only percents) and some information which I consider as embarassing won't be shown either.

First of all, I have to say that, overall, I'm really satisfied. I have a lot more readers than excpected and it grow up everyday. Also, it was basically a blog for like my friends only (that's why it was in french before) and it evolved into something bigger day by day.
I was surprised since that wasn't really the goal but it also became a personal source of satisfaction so I worked with and tried my best to get a more and more interesting content everyday. I know talk mainly about two subjects :
- K-Pop (SNSD)
- Pangya
It already do a lot of post just with that so I don't think I'll add more subject for now, at least not until I get a blog with a better design which facilitates long reading (= not soon lol).

I remember the first time I was surprised about my blog. It was because of sfrou XD I didn't know him at that time and I saw him with a picture I did for my blog as his avatar on pangya-fr. Wow.
Later on, the second shock was when some people complimented my work when I was logged into Goa. Then, I put google's because I was thinking "how many readers I have after all ?".
And then, I was "oh fuck, people read me in fact".

Bounce Rate :
That's not bad but to be honest that's still a little bit disapointing for me. Well, more than one visitor out of two come back on my blog so that's fine I suppose... If possible I'd like to reach something like 7x%. Don't know if it's possible, I'll do my best though.

Time on the Site :
I don't have anything to say about that. I don't really get if it's good or not. Do you think it takes you like 3 minutes to read a whole post ? That's possible. Considering that let's say I'm satisfied.

New visits :
I don't get it very well either. But I think that's good.

Browsers used by visitors:
1st : Firefox with 58,49%
2nd : Internet Explorer with 29,53%
3rd : Opera with 6,95%
At least, it seems that my readers have good tastes lol.

Keywords :
I won't give you the top 3 but...just want to answer to a recurrent question asked to google :
Sadly people, I have to tell you it's like totally impossible to really put voices in the USA serveur of Pangya XD you can go home now lol
The rest is no surprise, I really love keywords, it shows what people like in my blog to me. Most of the time I don't give a crap but sometime it inspires me a faq or a little post ^^

Top content :
Visitors' favourite content is my faq about Pangya X Vocaloid. That's fine because I worked really hard on it and I'm glad people read it. Even if they don't let any comments lol.

then come my pride :
Map overlay :
I have people from 52 differents countries visiting my blog since a month. The site is visited by :

1st United States
2nd France
3nd Thailand

At first I was really really really surprised to see that Thailand was in top 3 O_O
That's why I visited forum and found that as a member's signature :

It's basically a fanart of tifa_redeye from Pangya Thailand. It very well resume what I love in everyday life and also what Pangya Thailand's players love I suppose. K-Pop, SNSD, Pangya and Lucia. My tastes too.
I love you guys then ! xDD

Also US recently beat France in term of visitors. I'd like to know if I offten do english mistakes or not but it seems that it is overall good for having so many people from the US reading me. Thank you so much.
That's also why I put this poll in the right side because I feel like french people don't care as much as before.

I don't think I'll do this kind of post everyday but I'm fine doing a check up with you guys and I don't mind if people think bad things about me this time~ !

See you all ! Bye bye~ !

Most popular KR Idol ?

I usually don't report small news like that since I'm not a big fan of gossips, but since I have to follow the gossips in order to not miss any good lives I'm always aware of who did what in the idol world lol...

This time it's part of the show called Star Golden Bell. It will be an "Idol Special" and will be broadcasted sometime soon in the week.

Anyway, in this show it was say that Yoona from Girls' Generation (SNSD) is the most popular idol among male fans. This information drew my interest because I heard that she was even more popular since her role in the drama Cindarella Man, however I didn't see this drama but apparently she did really great job and got some award. Plus it was during the Gee's storm (that's why she missed some of the live where Seohyun took her place in the song) so she was like everywhere in Korea during that time xD

In any case idole male in the show shared their opinion about her :
2PM Taecyeon said "I like Yoona because she's a beauty" that's...fierce LOL. But when you check it's twitter that's no surprise~ ! Then 2PM Junho said "I like YoonA because she doesn't act superficial and is super natural". That's the image I have of her too.
And if you think that she doesn't sing very well (which is true) at least she's not lead dancer for nothing.

Finally, if you think this girl is not gorgeous when check this video. YoonA dancing to their hit song Gee (notice Lee Hyori doing the moves in the background xD) then on the hottest girl in Korea, Lee Hyori's "10 minutes".

That's probably because I'm a boy that I don't understand but Taecyeon of the popular boy band 2PM is one of the two most popular male idol among female fan...

Well it's not that I don't like either 2PM or Taecyeon but uh...this guy has like nothing special ? I should ask my female readers but I suppose is simply hot and fun. And yup, at least I think he's really fun. You know he's the most fluent in english out of his group and everybody was waiting for his first message on Twitter. Well...
Interesting XD

I think I never really talked about 2PM. Not because (as I already say) I don't like this group but mostly because hey...I don't know. More into girl groups XD
Also I think they are a little too ... much. Slapping asses of each other and stuff. Being not gay I'm like "uh ?". No effect.
Anyway I didn't really understand why female fans love Taecyeon once again. I don't know I thought it would be more Nichkhun, fangirls always drive crazy when someone talk about him and stuff. But that's maybe just because he's my personal favourite LOL.

In any case, their songs are great no doubt. Always very catchy but that's no surprise since they are part of JYP (same compagnie as Wonder Girls) and they always come up with great lyrics and original songs like, 10 out of 10.
Finally Han Seung Yeon from KARA stated jokingly "2PM is known as the "beast idols" but among them Taecyeon has the highest authority". Well I suppose that is as simple as that lol.

At least it was a good surprise unlike Taecyeon.
SHINee's leader Onew was picked has the second most popular male idol among female fans.

To be honest I'm always under the impression that girls support some some boys band simply because they are hot. That makes me mad because have the right to think that somebody is hot (I think SNSD Yuri is hot lol) but don't support the whole group if they can't sing/dance just because of that. That's unfair for underated other groups which are working harder...

At least Onew has some serious skill when it comes to sing. Anyone remember his duet with SNSD's Ice Princess Jessica ? That was truly a-we-some. Here it is.
It's from SNSD's Genie album. My second favourite track after Tell Me Your Wish.

Overall I'm fine with Onew being popular with the girls because I think his singing skills are HIGH ... unlike Taecyeon who is just capable of rapping some things ^^;

That's all folks ! I should talk about SNSD Goodbye Stage @ Music Bank which was...special but it's maybe a little bit too much for one day. Tommorow ok ?
Should talk about all the idol groups at once soon. Like that you all know.

Selling games T.T

That's sad but I need money and I don't play those anymore lulz~
Oh and I don't sell the plushes that's just for the photo XD; that's my favourite plus, the Mog's one is a gift so no way lol.

Panning to sell :

[Wii] Trauma Center Second Opinion

I had a great time on this game but it's pretty much the type of game you don't want to play again & again for me.

[PS2] Need for Speed Underground 2

Actually this game is not mine xD ! I have 1/3 of it, the rest is of my father and my brother LOL. But I'm sure they forgot about it. Too bad, I don't.
Liked this game.

[GC] The Legend of Zelda The Wind Waker

I'm actually really sad to sell this one. Since it is pretty old, I probably won't get a good price of it so...maybe I'll keep it. I like it so much...

[GC] Phantasy Star Online Episode III C.A.R.D Revolution

The final boss is fucking hardcore for me...LOVED this game anyway.

[GC] Final Fantasy Star Online

Ok game. Bought it for 20€ so...LOL. But it's ok, I don't mind selling it for like 5€ xD.

[GC] The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess

Cool game. The GC version is quite rare now I think. Maybe because nobody give a crap about it since the Wii Version has a free hack for the Wii XD;;; Silly me omg.

[Wii] Resident Evil The Umbrella Chronicles

LOL FAIL. Seriously I bought this game like 60€...since I'm unfamilier with RE I was thinking it was RE4...FAIL FAIL FAIL. This game is shit, never finished the first level. Boring. Shit XD

[PS2] Sonic Riders (15th Sonic Anniversary)

Underated game if you ask me. Riding with Ulala from Space Channel 5 was priceless.

[PS2] Final Fantasy XII

Never was more disapointed by a Final Fantasy EVER. It's was annoying as hell...I only remember huge field you take 30 minutes to travel for 1 minute of boss and 5 minutes of video. Wow.

[PC] The Last Remnant

FAIL FAIL FAIL >_> Didn't work on my PC LOL ? It's like uh...I have a great computer I think. It was laggy as hell. Battle system was sucky. Didn't appreciate that at all...
The only think I enjoyed ? Japanese voices included lol...bought it like 60€ too >_<>

I say that here because if any of you is interested by one of these, I don't mind doing a cheap price. Of course, since I have more american readers than french readers, I have to say I won't send any of these across the ocean XD!

I don't know how much money it is. Probably not much since it's old and sometime boring (It's not like if I wanted to sell the best games ah ah) but if I have enough I'd like to buy music CD or maybe 4-5 Pangya boxes in JP. We'll see~ !

Thursday, August 13, 2009

sharing thoughts

I usually don't speak of me right ? I even never introduced myself I think...maybe I should do that soon...anyway I'm not here to introduce me. This time, I simply wanted to share thoughts as indicate the title. It won't be Pangya related and will be self centered so yeah, you can skip that. I'll maybe disable comments, depending on what I write.
I'm sorry if I do english mistakes, I'm not used to write little essays like thatlol...

So, basically, it's maybe because it's hollidays and that I see nobody ( except my girlfriend but she was in Korea for the past 2 months ), aaaand that I'm bored but I feel myself a little bit depressed. Someday, you have the feeling all you're doing is useless, that people don't care about you. Sometime, it's even true. I think everyone see what I'm talking about unless you have the most passionate life ever.

Anyway, that's what I'm thinking these days. And it's probably a good thing I still like my blog because I feel like people are reading me, and probably care about what I'm doing for them, or for myself.
I think I'm someone open minded, I'm always truly happy to serve people and I try to be nice with people I don't know yet. For exemple, I recently designed the whole forum of someone I don't even really know (just his reputation). It won't bring me anything (except maybe more photoshop training) and I'm doing it because I like to see people happy with what I did for them.

The problem is precisely here. That's when I'm doing something for someone and that he's not respectfull enough. This sentence should make you think ... I don't know ... "does he want people to kiss his feet ?". Not at all. The respect I intend is simple :
- Being honest, you have the right to think that what I did sucks. Just use the correct ton for telling me and bring accurate explanations : criticism is tough but is usefull for people to evolve.
- Saying thanks in any case. That's not too much asked, it takes you 0,5 seconds and it makes me happy.

I used the exemple of the forum design request but that doesn't mean what I say before is for Photoshop requests only, it can be applying with EVERYTHING. By the way it's not like if I'm thinking I'm Photoshop's king like people are telling me all the time. No, what I say is that, when I do anything for you, just be respectfull. Try to think "hey, could I offended him by saying that or this ?", try to think as me like I try to think as you.

I wanted to talk about an other exemple but I won't do it since it will makes another drama. Instead, I have to laugh about the whole "You're so popular" thing.
That's crazy, french (and sometime european) people tend to think that I'm like soooooo popular and loved by everyone among ... I don't know ? Pangya commu ? Brawl commu ? Where is it supposed to stop ?
When I'm doing a contest where you must vote, or picked by someone in particular, people think I'm using my popularity to win. WTF ? What's fun is that I usually lose. And it should stop them to say stupid things like that but no lol...they say the same things on the next contest.

So it's simple : stop thinking I'm popular because I'm not. Recently, someone even posted one of my video the goa forum without even knowing it was an other french who made it. Plus, A LOT, of people dislike me. I don't know the reason since I mostly don't even talk to them but that's the case. It's not embarassing to say that I'm popular if I really was but I-am-not. That's all.

Anyway, I think that's more fun than anything to hear from people I know that I'm popular lol. It's wrong but it makes me laugh.

As a conclusion for the lack of respect I feel against me, I'll simply do less and less things for people. Free banners, writing a news, designing something, talking to someone for someone else. I'll simply stop what I usually do with pleasure because I feel like I won't have to suffer for something I'm doing for free.

Finally, that's maybe that I'm just depressed these days. School is back soon, I won't know anyone in my new school plus, I have always some trouble to make new friends in a new place. Sooo, maybe it's just like as always but I'm more open to uh "pain" (that's a big word, I mean I just things bad people are boring).

Whatever that's what I think and If I can't put what I'm thinking in my own blog I don't know where I would be able to do it.
See you guys.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Pangya JP this week


Bo-ring. I suppose I'm just used to have awesome update but this one has nothing especially awesome.

Symbol of the summer, you'll be able to buy some スイカアズテック (SUIKA Aztec - SUIKA means Watermelon).
I remember that KR sold those, this year, for a really cheap price, I wonder if Japan will do the same. Not like if I ever buy balls (except Sakura time to time) but still sounds interesting.

If you're too hot. Ice creams are available. But not the usual ice creams. Mocchi Ice Cream, best friends of the nolife who loves to level up. It will increase your experience gain of 100% !
Once again, I'm not very interested since, now that I'm Amateur E (almost D lol), I'm bored to level up. Maybe if it's cheap...?

And that's all for the new content o_O Yeah right...never saw a cheaper update since I play Japan Pangya I think LOL ! Whatever.

Nothing especially new here either (more information in my previous posts). Sengoku Pangya, Open War ! 3th week of war...
I just want to add this time that, if I don't talk a lot about this event, doesn't mean it's not interesting.

Honestly that's a pretty epic thing. When you're in-game, everyone is in a Legion. I'm in 武蔵国軍団 personally. Go go Musashi Army~ Thanks to them, I currently have this stunning sticker.

You also have in-game war announcement made by ... a foghorn ! The sound is also used when a friend tell you something through the messenger so it's quite odd but very fun.

Plus, remember that people can win the Golden Twin Feather Clubset with the offline event ! And THAT is quite epic (for them at least lol) !

More information through the official website here.

Also here's an interesting screenshot of the rates of the Pangya Box. For 50CP the try uh...(not mine).

Monday, August 10, 2009

[Pangya EU] Need / Trade Anna Specs !

Yo people~ !
Many of you should think "don't you already have Anna's specs ?"...wellllll... That waas actually true~ !

I traded them for the exact same item but in Pangya US I don't really know why. Later, I regreted since I don't have all Anna's rares anymore~ ._.

I asked the one I trade with if he was ok to do the opposite trade but of course he refused, I don't blame him though, that's pretty normal xDDD

Anyway, if any of you is interested by Hana US Specs I'm your man ! I need specs for Anna (or better/same value) on EU.

You can contact me through the blog directly, it's ok.

As a conclusion,

I can EVENTUALLY put in the trade,

JP :
レインボーフェザー ( Lucia )
悪魔のしっぽ ( Lucia )
ブルースターヘッドフォン ( Max )

EU :
All the rares for Anna excepted Specs and blushing.

US :
Specs ( Hana )

KR :
Afro Wig ( Kaz ) <- Lol

I search the following item, and NOTHING else (except ピーチチーク ( Lucia ) ROFL ) :

EU :
Specs ( Anna )

I hope this is clear.

Back from Vacation

Before I say anything about my vacations, I have to say that I already did 2 posts today. I don't want them to be forgotten simply because I posted 2 other things in (almost) the same day.
Especially the Japan Update since I always have people asking me about what is the next Japan Update -_-; You don't like either me or my blog ? Yes ? Good for you. No ? Then check my blog instead of asking me directly damnit ! >_< !

As for my vacation I went to Perigord (very touristic french region) in house with 9 of my relatives for the 3th year. I had a good time but my parents did...not. So it probably will be the last year. It makes me quite sad but hey, life goes on.

I played Hatsune Miku Project Diva a lot...who knew I would be an addict ? Almost have all the costumes and room's stuff thanks to my usual luck for the last point. It kinda remind me Space Channel 5 I don't know why, it's not really the same concept but I guess unusual music game always remind me Space Channel 5 right ? Miku even has an Ulala's cosplay xD!
Anyway I love this game, it's rare when I don't drop a game at the first difficulty but here I played hard and got like 5 Perfect on hard songs *proud*.
Anyway this game is awesome. I took a lot of screenshot (Luka in bikini is Luv) and I'll probably upload them all when I'll found the time.

You probably saw that I put a poll. I hate polls but it was my best card in this case. In other words, blogging in english take me a lot of time, I do it because I like knowing that I can be read all over the world ^^; and it's the case in fact so I'm really proud of myself about that since I always do my best to come up with a decent english regardless my age - and my nationality, where everyone suck when it comes to speak english honestly lulz -.
Moreover, when I just finished to write something in english I'm supposed to put the same thing in french (my official language for those who don't follow !) but I'm always like "uuh ... I'm bored". And when I still do it the text is poor because it's litteral translation (which is a lame since that's my language -_-).
That's why I want to know if it's really important for you, french people, to have the translation everytime, sometime or if you don't even care about it. If I don't have enough feedbacks (apparently people don't vote regarding the number of page view this day) or if the poll show that only some of you care of it, I'll erase it. Sorry. I only try to save more time per day XD!!

As a side note, I added a blog on my blogroll. It's a friend who spend all his time watching anime and playing video games o_o I respect him for that since I don't really get when he find all this free time ah ah ! Be sure you check it out, oh but not if you don't speak french once again ._.

*edited* LOL. The website he uses for his blog doesn't like blogroll. It send you on the website's main page instead of the blog itself. Be sure you click on his last post's name to access his blog.

That's all folks. I'm glad to be back but I'm sad cuz hollidays are almost over and I still have many things to do before heading back to my new high school...(I change this year). So stressful, I prefer not even thinking about it.

See you.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

SNSD Goodbye stage @ Popular Song

Yup ! You won't be obliged to hear Tell Me Your Wish (Genie) ever again ! Lucky you. I have to say it's the good timing, heard it enough and I won't be bored with it like that (already listened to it like 600 times lol...).

Anyway there's a little something special in this performance because that's the last one.

This dance break didn't really excite me but that's a nice gesture and it's always nice to see Yuri dancing if you see what I mean...

In any case, there :

"Wtf ?" is what you should think. Seriously I didn't move of my chair for like 3 minutes after seeing that. I was "Uh ... ? What was that ?" XDD;

Seriously. MC. Mong and the guys of 2PM managed to keep some dignity but Key and Taemin from SHINee...seriously, Key is already so girlish, when he acts like a girl he sounds very natural "Dj put it back on" ... yeah right~ !

Anyway I was really shocked by this live. More than the Gee parody from "Boys Generation"...
I don't know if I will be able to sleep : nightmares of Taemin doing Hyoyeon's dance break could appear T_T

( Youtube Link )

A leak video. Apparently a practice of Tell Me Your Wish 10 days before their comeback. There's some major changes in the choreography and even in the song.

What's fun is that I sadly prefer this footage for the song...for those who didn't notice it :
In the chorus they say the "Sowoneul Malebwa" things faster and after Soyoung's part at 2:02 they say something which sound like "I just wanna wish". I like it, it's not always the same and the beat is better to me.
Between 2:19 and 2:45 the song has nothing to do with the final version. It's quite epic and Hyoyeon's solo is erased, they probably worked on it and arranged the song consequently but the final footage is not good compared to this. That's only my opinion though.

That's the very last post about SNSD for now, I tryed to not spamm you and I think I managed.
I actually enjoyed Tell Me Your Wish more than Gee I think, but apparently, other people thought otherwise. We'll see them again in some months and apparently with their 2nd Full Album :) I'm looking forward to it.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

This week Pangya JP 09 - 08 - 09

At first I thought the update wasn't very exciting but when tried to translate I saw that, as expected from Japan, it's NOT a little update AT ALL.

I love summer, when you check Goa you see that it is as awesome. The crowns are here. Do you think I was right ? We'll see. Enough talk.
Let's see what JP has bought this week... accrochez vos ceintures like we say in french.

8 things the 08/08.
[Main Page of the Event ]


That's the biggest part of the event. Imo.
Do you remember the New Year Boxes ? It's a Japan Pangya's speciality. Basically that's almost the same concept than the Scratch Card System except that it's way more hard to win something decent and that it's always revival and never exclusive items.

This time, you can buy ONE box for accrochez vous bien...50CP !! Yup. One box, 50CP.
Basically you win a rare for like 20 boxes opened (that's only luck anyway, you can win in one try, as always).
In the other hand, prices are very awesome with Yousei Wings for every characters or BIG Papel. At first I thought Yousei Ears were available so I was like "where can I find moneyyyy ?" but no. LOL. Wrong kanji, it was Yousei Wings.

[ Complete Winnable Items List ]

I don't know many of the items but I just can tell you that the biggest things winnable are fairy wings for every characters including Lucia and BIG Papel. You can also win cookie set usually available in the shop.
I would play if you could win Yousei Ears but since I have Fairy Wings for Lucia I don't give a crap of those boxes. I prefer saving my money for New Year Boxes to get Exceed Voices Clubset. Anyway that's my life.


More simple. "Thank You" Pack Boxes were gifted to every player login August 8th ONLY.
Including some nice CP items. Nice gesture.

things the 8th August. Remember? So the Thank You Package include :

8 Silent Winds
8 Safety Tee
8 Pang Mastery
8 Time Booster
8 Delight Aztec

I love the balls.


Pangs x2 from midnight to midnight the 08/08.


Experience x2 from midnight to midnight the 08/08.


Chance of raining increased of 100% from midnight to midnight the 08/08.



With the GM, "8 hours of endurance Event". From 16:00 to 24:00 the 08/08.


What happen with the official website ? Brand new design. It's awesome. I love it. Started to be bored with the other one, I told it to friends only some days ago lulz~ !

Check it out :

Anyway. 08/08 was THE DAY to play Pangya JP this summer. Too bad I wasn't here for reporting the news in times. I apologize.

The first part is not available anymore. I was thinking of buying Lucia's one but it didn't convinced me enough to spend money in it.

Anyway, the others Self Design winners are available in the shop from 08/06 to 09/03. They are better than the first part in my opinion. Actually, I'm thinking of buying Lucia's Yukata. But that's maybe a little bit too expensive for a Self Design. No ? I don't know...

For each character,
Top : 45CP.
Skirt/pants : 33CP.

GMs advice you to get Arin, Kooh, Erika or Lucia's Self Design because that fit the Sengoku Pangya Event. Snakes, you surely love dollars \($_$)/

Kooh's one is fucking ugly, and it's not a matter of taste, it's simply horrible. Didn't understand.
I took screenshot of the first part then of the second too. I'll upload them if any of you is interested.


Sengoku Pangya Event . . .
The war go on.

Apparently you can get the Golden Twin Feathers Clubset with this event ... It's quite awesome because for those of you who didn't know that, the Golden Twin Feathers are the ONLY clubset of the game which give you 13 control instead of 12 ! So that's simply the best clubset of the game.

I just say that as a side note because if you're not japanese, you can't do anything but being jealous XD